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Username Join date Location
Tintin and Snowy 31 Jan 2006 00:20 United States of America
Peter1 31 Jan 2006 03:46 United States of America
Ddespie 4 Feb 2006 08:02 United States of America
nikkofx 11 Feb 2006 18:37 United States of America
seattl3chick4ev 23 Feb 2006 02:52 United States of America
Moab Dude 25 Feb 2006 20:26 United States of America
Huckel39 20 Mar 2006 20:16 United States of America
yweski 17 May 2006 22:13 United States of America
swifteye 10 Apr 2006 04:15 United States of America
JonGod 5 May 2006 03:04 United States of America

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