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Red Sea Sharks: Haddock's jumper shift

#1 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 20:16
I took some of my Tintin books to my cousin's place when I visitied him. I read The Red Sea Sharks there and noticed a new thing. I hope I am the first one...!

On page 38, Captain Haddock takes off his blue jumper to wave it as a flag.
On page 39, he's wearing it, but it the wrong way round, with the anchor at the back.
It's the same way until page 40.
Could it be that Hergé or the inker - by mistake - drew the anchor at the back in one of those frames, and then to not make it a mistake, deliberately put it in all the other frames?
Or was it put intentionally by Hergé?
Whatever it is, it seemed very interesting to me...!
#2 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 21:02
I just thought that Haddock put his jumper on back to front?
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#3 · Posted: 3 Jan 2005 22:53
I'm sure it's intentional - just showing Haddock's error. If an obvious mistake was made and went unnoticed before the book was published, Hergé could correct the frame for all subsequent editions as he did for frame c1, page 52 of Cigars of the Pharaoh (in the first edition of the colour version, Snowy was shown at Tintin's feet, when at that point in the story he is with the Thom(p)sons, and isn't reunited with Tintin until p.57).

Hergé did revise some of the dialogue in The Red Sea Sharks for the 1967 edition.
If he had made an obvious mistake, it is likely that he would have corrected it at the same time.

#4 · Posted: 4 Jan 2005 10:16
Just another case of our darling Archie being an accident prone clutz...
#5 · Posted: 17 Jun 2009 12:00
My sister and I noticed it in our cousin's book (another Tintin fan in our family, and we never knew!) last Christmas. My sister laughed and said how "cute" Captain Haddock was. Then we showed it to our cousin.

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