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Translation help needed: any Frenchman out there?

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UK Correspondent
#11 · Posted: 9 Feb 2008 19:12
I haven't brushed up my French for some time now, but I would guess it means "the world as Flupke would like it". Of course, I may be far from the mark ...
#12 · Posted: 10 Feb 2008 00:16
Yeah that's what it means
#13 · Posted: 10 Feb 2008 01:57
Great! Thanks a lot, Richard; and Dupondt for his confirmation.
#14 · Posted: 11 Mar 2008 21:02
Um... I came across this French word "rencher"; and I have no idea what it means. Anyone?

#15 · Posted: 19 Nov 2008 15:42
For this one I need the help of a genuine Francophone. Can anyone explain the meaning of this sentence: "Madame, qu'il a dit, vous ferez prendre a cet enfant, tous les matins, une cuilleree d'huile de froid de ma rue!" It's the punch line in a joke. This child (it is Flupke) has been talking about how he isn't cold outside because he takes "d'huile de froid" (cold oil). And then the above sentence is what his doctor said to his mom when they went there. Is there something regarding French culture that I don't understand in that sentence?

I translated it as: "Ma'am, he said, make this child take, each morning, a spoonful of cold oil from my street!" But that doesn't make sense to me.

Would really appreciate anyone's help here. Thanks.
#16 · Posted: 19 Nov 2008 16:34
It is a play on "huile de foie de morue" = "cod-liver oil":

"foie" [liver] is converted to "froid" [cold]
"de morue" [of cod] is converted to "de ma rue" [of/from my street]
#17 · Posted: 12 Jan 2009 17:48
"Couper l'herbe sous les pieds" is similar to the English expression "to shoot oneself in the foot".

Hey, what, wut? That one was here uncorrected for two years?

"Couper l'herbe sous les pieds" means to be faster at something, to anticipate a move (accidentally or not), to beat someone at something : it's about cutting grass under somebody's foot just before he steps on it. It's used in circumstances such as "lolz i was just about to say that" or "i was just about to hurl my shoe at the tv set, good thing you switched the channel".

"To shoot oneself in the foot" is more like "marquer un autogoal", for instance.

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