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You know you're a Tintin fan when...

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#51 · Posted: 17 Oct 2005 15:42
When you say you learnt about (insert subject here - geography/history etc fact) from Tintin comics and you're family thinks you need to get out more because of it!
#52 · Posted: 20 Oct 2005 00:39
You know you're a Tintin fan when you're sitting on the couch, bord out of your misery because your Dad is watching the Saturday night football. THen, when you hear the commentators call out, 'Thompson has the ball!' you look at the TV and expect to see a guy in a black suit and bowler tripping down the feil with a football in one are and a cane in the other... 0.0 I've done that...
#53 · Posted: 22 Oct 2005 07:41
You know you're a Tintin fan when you're willing to wear a shirt in public that's several sizes to small just because it's the only tintin shirt you have.
#54 · Posted: 23 Oct 2005 08:52
When you start learning French to be able to read everything related to Tintin.
#55 · Posted: 23 Oct 2005 20:35
Lol. I say "Snakes!" and "Blistering [whatever is annoying]!" regularly now. I can't help it!
#56 · Posted: 8 Nov 2005 10:10
-When you bring a Tintin book along to try to attract someone of the opposite gender.
#57 · Posted: 9 Nov 2005 12:00
you know you're a tinti fan when...
you reply at this site!
labrador road 26
#58 · Posted: 11 Dec 2005 06:56

When you own all the books, some even in different editions.

You own some of the guides/fact books about Tintin or Hergé.

You dressed up as Tintin at Halloween, twice.

You often relates what ever to something from the books.

You uses Haddockiana when you get upset.

You really want to visit Brussels just to check various Tintin related stuff out.

Ponder about the Tintin universe almost daily.

Hey this is getting scary, I better go get some life real quick ;-)
#59 · Posted: 25 Dec 2005 04:50
...if someone asks you to identify the Three Wise Men, you respond: "Caspar, Balthasar, and ALCAZAR!!!"
#60 · Posted: 12 Jan 2006 19:11
Whenever you are overseas, the first thing you do is hit the local markets to see if you can find any tintin stuff.

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