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The Blue Lotus: Why are the opening pages redrawn?

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Henry 54321
#11 · Posted: 22 Aug 2011 19:30
I think The Broken Ear has drawings similar to The Blue Lotus
I am guessing The Broken Ear was published in black and white but just not updated like The Blue Lotus
#12 · Posted: 22 Aug 2011 20:42
The colour facsimile of Blue Lotus is from 1946 and has the updated style. So Hergé did not wait for Cigars to redraw the pages. Not sure why he made the changes because the rest of the book is very near to the (beautiful) original drawings.
#13 · Posted: 31 Jul 2017 15:27
I've noticed that in "The Blue Lotus" on page 5, it changes from a redrawn art style to the old black and white art style. Was there something offensive, so the first 5 pages had to be redrawn? Can anyone answer this question I've been wondering for a long time?

Moderator Note: Hi! As you'll see, your post has been moved because the question has been asked and answered before - how about that for service? ;-)
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