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Tintin: What is his hair colour?

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#31 · Posted: 10 Mar 2012 05:47
Star Child:
In the movie, Haddock has brown eyes.

I'm sorry to take this off topic, but Haddock's eyes were not brown in the movie. Most of the main cast had blue or similar colours for eyes.
#32 · Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:14
I noticed that throughout the whole series,tintins hair color changes a lot. Sometimes when you are reading bam! His hair color just changes! Does anybody know why Herge made those mistakes and he did not make a change or was it the publishing company

Moderator's note: The question of hair colour came up some time ago, hence your post has been moved to this existing thread. Please be careful to do a search before starting a new thread. You can use the search function, the link is near the top of the page under the main buttons.
The Tintinologist Team
Archie Haddock
#33 · Posted: 29 Mar 2012 04:19
Billions of Blistering Barnacles! Any true Tintin fan can see it's obviously ORANGE!!!!
-The Captain

Moderator Warning: Firstly, you have already been asked that if you post, you post as yourself, in your own "voice": we have a strict "no impersonations" policy here, and that includes taking on the guise of a character. Please post accordingly.
Secondly, it's deemed to very impolite to come in after a thread has been going on for some time, and to "shout" out an answer, as if the opinions of other members who have participated in the thread are not worth anything, and that yours is somehow more important. If the answer were as obvious as you declaim, why would people have arrived at so many different answers? Please treat your fellow members with respect.
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The Unhappy Tintinologist Team
#34 · Posted: 17 Jul 2013 09:27
Well I think it depends on the light contrast: his hair was kind of ginger (in the film), that changed with the brightness and darkness.
marlinspike hall
#35 · Posted: 3 Nov 2013 23:38
Well, it can be hard to tell, but most of the time I'd call it ginger. Cigars of the beeper is right, though, in destination moon it's brown.

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