Explorers on the Moon

Explorers on the Moon
Tintin © Hergé/Moulinsart.

Original French title

On a Marche sur la Lune

Publication history

Explorers on the Moon was published in Tintin magazine from 29 October 1952 to 29 December 1953. Published in book form in 1954.

English edition

1989 - Mammoth (London). Translated by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner. Colour. 62p. Paperback. ISBN: 0749701609.

Related link

First publication dates of The Adventures of Tintin


Under the direction of Professor Calculus, the first manned rocket is hurtling through space. Onboard are Tintin, Snowy, Captain Haddock, and their companions. The flight is perilous enough, but even greater hazards are in store once the rocket is safely landed on the Moon. The explorers have narrow escapes as they make great scientific discoveries. But there is treachery afoot. Tintin and Snowy have never faced such dangers, and their fate is in the balance right up to the very end. [AR]


  1. Page 12, frame 8: Tintin shows us how fast he is: he gets his magnetic boots on and off in no time. [JJ]
  2. On page 7, frame 3 Calculus orders that all should wear shoes with magnetic soles. On the same page in frame 8, Calculus finds an extra pair of magnetic shoes. Tintin realises that they have to be Haddock's and offers to bring them to him. Therefore one can infer from frame 8 that there are not supposed to be any extra magnetic shoes on board. However on page 12, frame 4, we see Thomson and Thompson wearing a pair each, even though nobody knew that Thomson and Thompson were on board (page 3, frame 2). Where did these shoes come from? [MZ]
  3. There is a striking resemblance between Bianca Castafiore's accompanist Igor Wagner and Engineer Frank Wolff. [MZ]
  4. Under pressure of his publisher (Casterman) and a few others (Catholics), Hergé had to change Wolf's letter on page 55. The letter published in Tintin magazine: "Lorsque vous trouverez ces lignes, je me serai jetté dans le vide. Inutile de me rechercher, vous savez bien que j'aurai disparu à jamais dans l'espace. Moi parti peut-être aurez-vous assez d'oxygène pour arriver sains et saufs jusqu'à la terre. Adieu et pardonnez-moi le mal que je vous fait."
    Actual version: "Lorque vous trouverez ces lignes, j'aurai quitté la fusée. Moi parti, j'espère que vous aurez assez d'oxygène pour arriver vivants jusqu'à la terre. Quant à moi, peut-être un miracle me permettra-t-il d'en réchapper aussi. Pardonnez-moi le mal que je vous ai fait." [EC]
  5. Confusion in the wardrobe department: Haddock wears number 56 overalls, except on page 2, frame 14 (D2) where he is shown wearing number 57 (Tintin's number). On page 7, frame 8 (C2), Tintin is wearing Haddock's number 56 overalls. Throughout the story, Thompson wears number 61, and Thomson wears 62, except on page 6, frame 10 (D1); page 7, frames 2 (A2) and 7 (C1). [EC]
  6. Between pages 11 and 13, Tintin has his sleeves rolled up--except in frame 2 (A2) of page 12. [EC]
  7. On page 19, frame 4 (B1), Haddock has his blue jumper on, but in frame 7 (B4), he has his overalls on, and then in frame 8 (C1), the overalls are gone. [EC]
  8. On page 33, frame 2 (A2), there is a pick on the side of the tank; it disappears in frame 5 (B1), and reappars in frame 6 (B2). [EC]

Title in other languages:

  1. Basque - Ilgarian oinez
  2. Bengali - Chande Tintin
  3. Breton - Kammedoù kentañ war al loar
  4. Catalan - Hem caminat damunt la Lluna
  5. Chinese - China: 月球探险 (Yueqiu tanxian) / Hong Kong and Taiwan: 月球探險 (Yueqiu tanxian)
  6. Danish - Månen tur-retur 2. del
  7. Dutch - Mannen op de maan
  8. Farsi/Persian - Rooye mah Ghadam Gozashteem
  9. Finnish - Tintti kuun kamaralla
  10. German - Schritte auf dem Mond
  11. Greek - Vimata sti Selini
  12. Hebrew - haChokerim al haYarea'ch
  13. Icelandic - Í myrkum mánafjöllum
  14. Indonesian - Penjelajahan di bulan [Indira edition] / Petualangan Di Bulan [Gramedia edition]
  15. Italian - Uomini sulla luna
  16. Japanese - 月世界探険 Tsuki sekai tanken
  17. Korean - Dal Tamhum
  18. Malay - Pengembara Pengembara di bulan
  19. Norwegian - Månen turretur del 2
  20. Portuguese - Explorando à lua
  21. Russian - Pervye shagi po lune
  22. Spanish - Aterrizaje en la luna
  23. Swedish - Månen tur och retur Del 2
  24. Turkish - Ay'a ayak basildi
  25. Vietnamese - Thâm hiém mât trâng
  26. Welsh - Ar Leuad Lawr

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Last modified: 29 December 2012.
Latest changes: added Indonesian Gramedia edition title - thanks Syaiful Bahri for the information.