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Tintin in the Land of the Soviets: Will the 2017 colour book be released in English?

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#11 · Posted: 18 Jul 2023 11:59
an English hardcover edition is slated for release in April next year

Oh, thanks for the update on that! That's good to hear!

I wonder if they will use the older translation by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner

Another interesting question - as it's coming from Farshore, it's possible that they will go with the "original", as they own that...? It would be my preferred option too.
#12 · Posted: 2 Aug 2023 23:12
I wonder if they will use the older translation by Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper and Michael Turner

Yes, I have had it confirmed to me by Farshore that it is indeed the MT&LL-C translation which will be used in the new colour edition!
#13 · Posted: 3 Aug 2023 04:39
Great! Good work checking.
UK Correspondent
#14 · Posted: 3 Aug 2023 18:52
That's great news! Now if they only use the original hand lettering from the black and white edition too, there'll be one very happy Tintinologist here.
UK Correspondent
#15 · Posted: 5 Sep 2023 12:13
Another update: a paperback edition is now scheduled for release in July.
#16 · Posted: 21 Nov 2023 17:39
Is it my imagination or is this moving backwards in the schedule? It says September 2024 now whereas I'm sure it was... well, earlier? Still no sign of any other details but if this is shifting I suppose there's no hurry to fill in the gaps in our knowledge.

(Google books has 4 July for publication)

Edit: Ah, literally the post above this has that earlier date!

#17 · Posted: 14 Jul 2024 17:18
Does anyone know if this has actually come out yet? The Amazon link above still says the paperback will be published in September (although it doesn't actually say what the book is!), but there's no sign of the hardback, and I can't find it anywhere else. I have found some listings, including on Amazon, for a Farshore edition, but the publication date is given as 2004 and it doesn't say anything about it being coloured. Anyone have any up-to-date information?

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