I've not read it, but I found the following:
This nostalgic essay interweaves commentaries on Hergé's Tintin series with reminiscences of a life that has been strongly influenced by the intrepid hero and his adventures. As a child, Alain Bernard Marchand was transported in his imagination to the ends of the earth with Tintin, learning about the world but, more importantly, about himself. As an adult, he brought his childhood imaginings to life, through his travels around the world, particularly to Asia, and in the process, discovered the desire to create worlds of his own through his writing.
Here's the link to the page on the "publisher's" web-site:
Broken link removed - 19/05/2023I've put the quotes on the publisher, because they are actually an on-demand printing service; you get them to "publish" the book, and they put it on the catalogue, internet book-sellers etc.
If someone orders it, they print one off using digital imaging. Then you - the author - and they split the royalty. A neat twist on the old "vanity publisher", because at least you don't end up with boxes of unsold books in your garage.
The cover of the French edition is bold yellow with a dragon on it; the English language version is a grubby brown/ taupe affair - doesn't leap off the screen, saying, "Buy me!", does it?