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The Rainbow Orchid

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#21 · Posted: 8 Jun 2004 00:26
Ha ha :-) Well, it would be nice if things turned out like that!

Most of the BAM! issues that include Rainbow Orchid have sold out, and there's nothing new in them, except for a title each episode. There are a few minor improvements (I think) in the collection of part one. I'm scripting part two now. I do intend to put out some goodies/extras at some point which will be available exclusively to certain people, and this will definitely include Tintinologists!

Thanks for your kind words, jock123!

And thanks, Byron Virgo, for the exhibition details.
#22 · Posted: 30 Jun 2004 15:37
Hi! Is this exhibition still on, and if so, any further info on when the “Meet the Author” talk will be, if it is going ahead??
#23 · Posted: 1 Jul 2004 13:58
I do believe the exhibition is on, and probably on throughout the summer.

The 'talk' is still planned to go ahead but not sure when yet... most likely in August as I am in a play in July and I need some time to finish hectic (current) work and get some ideas together.

Er... any ideas on what would make a good talk?
#24 · Posted: 1 Jul 2004 16:43

Well, either you could go through a “how you create a page from script to sketch to line art to coloured picture” kind-of-a-thing (maybe just a single frame would suffice), or perhaps a run through some of the artists that might have influenced you, and any bearing that they have had in the creation of “Orchid”.

The stuff about the reference material on your site (the photo of the news-men, and the use of Coco Chanel as a proto-model come to mind) is very interesting, so perhaps you could work in something about that?

Or you could just rant about the cold unfeeling corporate mentality of the big publishers, the death of inspiration and innovation which has strangled creativity in main-stream comics, and the high-jacking of the comics-scene by money-grabbing speculators who have manipulated the market to their own ends, closing out true fans who have been priced out of the market, against which massed ranks the independent self-publisher must stand firm in the manner of Beowulf against Grendel and the creatures that walk the forests by night...

But that may play less well with the under tens...
#25 · Posted: 1 Jul 2004 16:55
Simon, I was leaning towards the first idea for myself, but if you want to do a ten minute support-act on the second subject you mentioned, I think we may have something! It would be terrific if you could jump around a bit with clenched fists - a sort of physical theatre presentation, dressed as Haddock and using lots of Bashi-Bazouks and Thundering Typhoons!! :-)
#26 · Posted: 1 Jul 2004 17:27
I’ll start growing the whiskers now!
Just wait ’til you see the chalk-board and pointer for the singalong finale!
Moderator Emeritus
#27 · Posted: 2 Jul 2004 02:48
I wish I lived in England. :(

Laughing his head off
#28 · Posted: 5 Jul 2004 16:45
I just got an e-mail from Neill at Unified Review Theory, to say that I have won one of the three copies of “Rainbow Orchid” in their competition they just ran (mentioned earlier in the thread)!
I have already got a copy of my own, so I plan to give one of my brothers a bit of a treat, and let him have the extra copy!
Has anybody else here heard from him (Neill that is, not my brother)?
#29 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 04:59
I went in the competition but I guess I didn't win a copy. It would have been nice, I guess I'll have to buy a copy.
Moderator Emeritus
#30 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 05:04
Yep, I won one too! :P

And as I too already have a copy, I'll have to find someone needy...


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