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Kickstarter: "Tara Togs - The Silence of Unicorns" by Stref about to close!

#1 · Posted: 16 Apr 2024 23:20
Sorry for the late notice about this - I thought I had posted about it after mantioning it a while ago on Facebook or Twitter...!

Just to let you know that there is a campaign about to close on Kickstarter which might be of interest to members...

Edinburgh-based cartoonist Steven White (under his pen-name of Stref) is launching a new comic album in the clear line style, featuring the adventures of doughty girl photo-journalist Tara Togs! With the work of Hergé and Jacobs - amongst others - firmly in mind, this is set to be a rollicking mystery/ adventure in the grand tradition of Tintin, Blake & Mortimer and Julius Chancer!

It's down to the last 48 hours of the campaign, so you will need to be quick if you want to back the book (it is well over-subscribed already, so looks certain to happen - but please bear in mind that there is always a certain degree of risk with any crowd-funding project), but it looks like it is going to a be a lot of fun!

Steven is a very talented artist - in addition to having produced an acclaimed graphic novel of J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan (which lead to him being involved in designs for Moat Brae house when it re-opened in 2019 as Peter Pan's Enchanted Land and a National Centre for Children's Literature and Storytelling), he was an artist for D.C. Thompson's Dandy and Beano comics, as well as working on the long-running characters The Broons and Oor Wullie for their The Sunday Post newspaper. He has been a regular contributor to Viz comic, including their satirical take on the British monarchy, The Broon Windsors, cheekily done in the manner of The Broons!

There are sample pages of Tara Togs on the Kickstarter page, so please do take a look!
#2 · Posted: 8 May 2024 16:12
Cheers Simon for this - if it wasn't for your post or this forum, I'd never have known about this so thank you! I managed to contribute to this in time, so looking forward to having my copy drop through the letterbox and reading it. I work in the magazine industry myself so it's always a good feeling being able to fund new ventures like this and supporting print in particular - I am a huge fan of having a physical comic/magazine to read and believe it will always have a place.
#3 · Posted: 8 May 2024 16:25
Cheers Simon for this - if it wasn't for your post or this forum, I'd never have known about this so thank you!

No problem, Rhodri - glad to be of help: these sorts of things are easily missed, so anything that can help both creators and audiences to align is a good thing in my book!
I've been in publishing-related industries for a long time too, so there's definitely something appealing about hard-copy items - until of course you have to pack up and move, or unpack and find places for, mountains of books and papers: then they become a littel bit of a chore! Can you tell I spent part of yesterday building a bookcase, and today filling it...?

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