It’s interesting that (as far as I know) Biggles hasn’t been a strip-cartoon character in the U.K
I think you might be right, now you mention it. I've had a quick look at the site, but there's nothing there that points to there being a Biggles strip at any time. Of course, we had a lot of anthologies running here in the UK so it might be there was something short-lived in there somewhere.
And yet.... there's a reference at to a Mike Western drawn strip. Mike was a British artist, so unless he worked directly for European publishers, maybe there was a strip of two that we originated.
Concerning the Scandinavian ones: I have seen these here in The Netherlands as well, but the artwork is so terrible (in my opinion) that I've never bothered with them. The artist was Bjorn Karlstrom.
They're the ones. And you're right, the art is pretty poor.
The artwork is very good, although I think that Francis Bergese (the artist) is better at home with planes, submarines and the like than drawing people. The books are very well presented with glossy paper and very nice colours.
I think Bergèse is a big aviation fan. Not only has he been working on Biggles for years, but his other major strip - Buck Danny, which I've an English language version of - is focused on flying as well.
The series set in the Middle-ages is probably De Rode Ridder (The Red Knight)
There's a very nice
De Rode Ridder site HERE, but I've tracked down the article I was talking of. Anyone who used to get Borderline a few years back will find it in PDF 10. Unfortunately the PDF has security around it, so I can't post anything from it, but the series was titled De Geuzen and was about the "16th century wars between the Flemish and their Spanish overlords".
It looks like it only lasted for 10 or so albums (surely quite short by his standards), but looks fascinating nonetheless.