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Q151: How much is Tintin worth......

#1 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 11:02
What is the most expensive reward for capturing Tintin?
Your answer must include the book and where it can be found?
#2 · Posted: 6 Mar 2007 02:31
If you believe the Chinese, he's wanted for a 5,000 yen reward in "The Blue Lotus" (page 25)

If you believe the Americans in "Tintin in America", more than $20,500 US changes hands over Tintin's head.

$500 to the taxi driver on page 3.
$6000 to the thug in the blue suit on pg 5,
$3000 to the thug in the black jacket on pg 5.
$1000 to the the thug in the cap, on pg 14.
$5000 to the guy in the sunglasses on pg 54.
$5000+ to the wannabe detective on pg 58.

Mind you, a lot of this is to *liquidate* him by any means necessary, rather than capture him per se.

I find it funny, by the way, that Snowy's ransom in this book is for $50,000 US, more than twice the price on his master's head!
#3 · Posted: 6 Mar 2007 12:16
Welldone everyone!!!

That was very quick indeeed Iwill have to think of some harder ones next time.

Very good answers for both of you....

.....But I am going to give the point to castafiole.

Welldone Castafiole!!!

Now it is your turn to post the next question??

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