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Q159: Fox hunting

#1 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 13:20
Foxes can be spotted in:
- America, escaping from the prairie on fire (p.38-D3)
- Flight 714, as Carreidas's jet code name "Golf Tango Fox" (p.9-D1)
- Flight 714, as a cigarette brand name (p.42-D1)

Where else can a fox be spotted?

Please quote album, page and panel.
#2 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 13:49
When Herge was a boy scout he assumed the name 'Curious Fox'. And you can see Herge in 'Tintin in the Congo' page 1, panel 1 (he also makes cameo appearances in other books).
labrador road 26
#3 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 14:13
This is sort of related, and knowing that Yamilah likes odd relations/connections it might be correct.

Snowy is a fox terrier.
https://www.tintinologist.org/forums/index.php?action=vthread&forum=8&t opic=399
Snowy is seen almost everywhere.

Tintin gets caught in a man trap in Black Island page 15 third frame. This kind of trap is called fox trap in swedish.


Warning!! Disturbing pictures of foxes trapped, be advised.
#4 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 16:10

There is a head of a fox on a wall in Black Island, page 36, the first frame in the Finnish edition. I hope that the pagenumber is the same in the English edition. Anyway Tintin is in a pub called Ye White Hart. I remembered seeing a fox somewhere on a wall. But there must be some foxes left somewhere, I'm quite sure.
#5 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 20:21
When Herge was a boy scout he assumed the name 'Curious Fox'.
...but he never features as such in Tintin, nor under that nickname...

labrador road 26
Snowy is a fox terrier.
...hence not just a fox!

This kind of trap is called fox trap in swedish.
... but I can't see a fox caught in it, and it isn't named as such in Tintin English edition!

There is a head of a fox on a wall in Black Island, (...) in a pub called Ye White Hart.

Well done!
There's still one more fox to be found, for someone else to get a point -if admin OK's that, of course.
Maybe Rocky deserves a point for his knowledge about Herge?
#6 · Posted: 23 Mar 2007 21:28
Maybe Rocky deserves a point for his knowledge about Herge?
Thanks, but no thank you; Points should only be awarded for the correct answer :-)
#7 · Posted: 24 Mar 2007 10:43
Good morning

Yamilah, are you still waiting for extra answers? Have you desided who get the point(s) and who is to make the next question?
#8 · Posted: 24 Mar 2007 19:23
Yamilah, are you still waiting for extra answers?

Yes, I expected one more answer (the fox from Congo) to allow someone else to possibly get a point too.

Have you desided who get the point(s) and who is to make the next question?
tuhatkauno certainly gets the point, thus please set the next question!