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Q215: An error again! People are so careless.

#1 · Posted: 8 May 2007 08:34
There is an error IN one group. Find the group and explain the error.

A) Calculus, Skut, Rastapopoulos, Spalding, Wagg, Allan

B) Tintin, Snowy, Twins

C) Skut, Calculus, Twins, Wagg, Alcazar, Allan

D) Allan, Calculus, Spalding, Rastapopoulos, Twins, Wagg

E) Alcazar, Calculus, Castafiore, Twins, Nestor

F) Nestor, Snowy, Haddock

Twins = Thomson & Thompson

In addition the answer lies in the Tintin word, no extra information is needed.
labrador road 26
#2 · Posted: 8 May 2007 09:15
I'll have a try. The characters are featured in these books.

A) Flight 714 (to Sydney)
B) Cigars of the Pharaoh to King Ottokars Sceptre.
C) Red Sea Sharks
D) Error, the detectives are not part of Flight 714.
E) Tintin and the Picaros
F) Secret of the Unicorn to name one.
#3 · Posted: 8 May 2007 11:56
Den gled in i mål igen, Labrador!

The point was that the characters of each group appear in a same album (at least in one). Except the characters of D.

A point and the turn to Road 26.

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