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Blake & Mortimer: The Cinebook Publications

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#61 · Posted: 23 Oct 2012 13:08
Actually, Cinebook seem to be fast becoming the unofficial English-language publisher of Jean Van Hamme.

To quote myself (two years to the day later) they're now scheduling Wayne Shelton for next June. At this rate they're going to run out...!

#62 · Posted: 19 Jun 2013 23:03
The newest Cinebook Blake & Mortimer has just been published

At the risk of turning this thread into a conversation with myself ("How are you my dear boy?" "Very well my dear old thing"*) the latest Cinebook Blake & Mortimer has just be released - part 2 of the Secret of the Swordfish - and it reveals the 2014 publication schedule.

Only two volumes the roster: First the Oath of the Five Lords (the recent Sente/Julliard album); followed by The Time Trap.

That just leaves Professor Sato's Three Formulæ for 2015 after which they will have to fall in line with any future European publications.


(* Listening to too much cricket on the radio...)
#63 · Posted: 20 Jun 2013 00:43
At the risk of turning this thread into a conversation with myself ("How are you my dear boy?" "Very well my dear old thing"*)

"Nurse! George doesn't seem to be getting his medication - could you please take both of him back to his room...?"

Thanks for the update, by the way - I'm sure we all appreciate it (albeit quietly)!
#64 · Posted: 26 Jul 2013 08:57
I was thinking of getting into Blake & Mortimer, and purchasing the English publications.
However, Cinebook isn't publishing them in order of timeline (at least I think not) nor in original order of release.
If anyone knows the correct timeline of B&M, or the correct order to read them in, it would be much appreciated.
And do Cinebook change any artwork or dialogue for the sake of censorship or other purposes?
For example, are any particularly racist or offensive parts of the books removed or changed?
Mikael Uhlin
#65 · Posted: 27 Jul 2013 08:48
do Cinebook change any artwork or dialogue for the sake of censorship or other purposes

As far as I know, nothing is removed or changed.

For a timeline and list of titles, check out Wikipedia
#66 · Posted: 27 Jul 2013 18:45
If anyone knows the correct timeline of B&M, or the correct order to read them in, it would be much appreciated.

I wouldn't worry too much about a timeline as the stories can be read in almost any order without that throwing up any paradoxes - much like Tintin.

In fact I would strongly advise that you don't start with the oldest albums as that may sour your taste for the later and better ones - much like Tintin.

#67 · Posted: 27 Jul 2013 19:41
In fact I would strongly advise that you don't start with the oldest albums as that may sour your taste for the later and better ones - much like Tintin.

I always found Secret of the Swordfish and Mystery of the Great Pyramid well drawn and written and having great pace. Calculite and others might enjoy them and certain events in The Yellow 'M' are dependent on knowing what happened in Great Pyramid.

Actually, it is the post-Jacobs stories that I have misgivings about. After buying the first three books (The Francis Blake Affair, The Voronov Plot and Strange Encounter), I have hesitated in buying the next few.

I would recommend reading the series in order.
#68 · Posted: 27 Jul 2013 23:38
Calculite and others might enjoy them and certain events in "Yellow M" are dependent on knowing what happened in "Great Pyramid".

I read The Yellow 'M' some time before I read any other B&M, and like George I think that's a far better place to start than Swordfish (as I said before elsewhere).

I didn't read Tintin in any particular order, and it doesn't seem to have diminished my experience!
#69 · Posted: 2 Feb 2014 20:45
I just got a 1987 copy of The Secret of The Swordfish Volume 2 and there's a blank speech bubble on page 13, panel 7. If you have the Cinebook version please could you let me know what Blake replies when Mortimer says

"Unfortunately we can't delay here. We absolutely have to be down there before the tide. Clench your teeth. I am going to bind up your ankle."
#70 · Posted: 2 Feb 2014 21:36
I do not have the Cinebook version, but in the original French, Blake is essentially saying: "Do it, old boy, hurry and let's go..."

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