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Lake of Sharks: How rare is the book?

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#11 · Posted: 26 Feb 2008 19:42
From what Jock says it may not be rare… I’m sure a first edition is fairly rare, but I understand that it may not be worth anything much…

Thanks for the reply ;-)
#12 · Posted: 12 Nov 2008 16:18
I had the pleasure of owning a hardback Lake of Sharks back in the mid '70's. Until one fateful day...

Friends of the family were arriving back in the country after a long holiday and my father had agreed to pick them up from the airport. They had a lad the same age as me (9 at the time) so I decided to come along for the ride as well. Now I was reading LoS during this time so it had to come along also.

Anyway, the airport formalities completed, we were on the motorway home. The lad was sitting next to me looking a bit quiet and pale.
"Do you want to read my Tintin book?" I said.
He perked up. "Yes please." With a grin.

So for the next few miles he was happily engrossed with Tintin. I happened to be looking out the window at something when I heard a weak, "Could you stop the car, please?"

I glanced around to see my Tintin book and the lad covered in car sick. He'd had the book open in front of him and it copped the lot. How he managed to do it quietly I don't know.

To cap it all off, when we eventually got home my mother had the audacity to sponge(?!) the book down and give it back to me.
I wish she hadn't. It had a curious odour for years until I threw it away and (kind of) sadly replaced it with an Egmont paperback.
#13 · Posted: 12 Nov 2008 17:45
From my earlier post aages ago, since I bought my copy of it I have seen more copies of it in and around bookshops in Britain.
So really, it isn't rare after all.

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