Can a tool not be added so we can delete a post that we had done years ago
Thanks for your suggestion. The problem there lies in keeping the contents of a thread coherent: if people started going back and deleting old posts at will, soon many threads would become meaningless - you’d have people answering points that were no longer there, quoting someone who doesn’t appear to be participating in the discussion, or thanking people for information which wasn’t around any more.
If you add into the equation the possibility that someone might have linked into a post from elsewhere in the forum, it soon wouldn’t be possible to tell what was going on.
Sometimes, to keep things tidy, Admin or the mods will delete posts where a thread might have gone off-topic, or because they add little to the topic by being repetitious, and that can be a mine-field, as it is essential to refer back and forth to make sure that the whole thread remains sensible, and often other posts need tweaked too.
So no, adding such a tool is unlikely to happen. If you feel your opinion about a matter has changed, or something needs clarified, why not just post a new message? If you
really think something should be removed from, you can always send a message to Admin, and Irene will consider the matter.
or able to delete a current one if we have made a mess of a post.
Anyone can edit their post for up to 24 hours, unless it has been subsequently moderated and locked.