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Merry Christmas 2023

#1 · Posted: 24 Dec 2023 02:02
Dear fellow Tintin fans,

Amid the mad rush of the season, I wanted to take a moment to extend my sincere thanks for your continued support of our website. The clock has ticked past Christmas Eve here in Australia, but I didn't want to forget to thank everyone.

A special shout-out to our dedicated team of volunteers: Chris, John, and Simon--particularly Simon, who keeps the conversations alive here and on the social media front. Simon, your efforts don't go unnoticed and are truly appreciated.

Wishing you all a belated but no less sincere Christmas cheer and a fantastic New Year ahead.


P.S. Have you seen the official Tintinologist Christmas card Simon has made and posted on our Facebook page yet?
#2 · Posted: 24 Dec 2023 04:04
Thank you to everyone for continuing to make this place a haven for all Tintin fans. And thank you to jock123 too for continuing to make this place as lively and helpful as possible. I may not have been able to contribute very much but I still visit this place regularly and I always look forward to all the new discussions and exciting news that are and will be shared here!

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~
#3 · Posted: 25 Dec 2023 11:48
Happy Christmas, Tintinologists everywhere!

I love the card on Facebook. It has the feel of an old "Tintin magazine" weekly.
#4 · Posted: 29 Dec 2023 01:00
A belated Happy Christmas to all, and many thanks to you, Irene and Simon! Best wishes to everyone for the New Year!
#5 · Posted: 3 Jan 2024 11:55
Thank you for the kind remarks! Glad the card went down well!
Happy New Year, everyone - last year was a long hard grind for many reaons, so let's hope for the best for everyone in 2024!

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