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ADH Meeting in Nivelles

#1 · Posted: 12 Mar 2007 10:02
Les Amis de Herge (ADH) has our yearly meeting the 10Th March 2007 in Nivelles (Belgium)
You may find some pictures of this meeting at : http://foto.telenet.be/6921374364
You may find more about ADH (French) at : http://60gp.ovh.net/~lesamisdu/
#2 · Posted: 12 Mar 2007 14:57
Nice pictures, Colonel - are you in any of them?

It looks like it was quite busy!
#3 · Posted: 12 Mar 2007 17:01
Hi Jock 123 ,

I'm in a few pictures
#4 · Posted: 12 Mar 2007 17:43
I'm in a few pictures
Are you the distinguished looking gentleman with the beard?

Harrock n Roll was trying to get to the meeting, but I can’t see him in any of your pictures.
#5 · Posted: 12 Mar 2007 19:31
Beard: Yes
Gentleman : ?
Distinguished : ?
Please try also this website from my friend Claude http://www.kodakgallery.fr/Slideshow.jsp?Uc=67n9mqdh.4q5sh3nh&Uy=uyu0w f&Upost_signin=
Harrock n roll
#6 · Posted: 13 Mar 2007 21:15
Harrock n Roll was trying to get to the meeting, but I can’t see him in any of your pictures.

I did make the event for a short time. I went to meet with Uwe Klee, the Tintinmeister who runs Tim - Das Magazin. He is pictured in Sponsz's first link; he's the chap wearing black, with long hair... and a beard!
#7 · Posted: 14 Mar 2007 09:19
Uwe Klee showed also our study we are doing (with my Iranian friend tintin1056)

This study TINTIN in IRAN will give an idea about the TINTINS published in Iran until 2003. It will give also the history of UNIVERSAL EDITIONS the only editor in the seventies who has the authorization of both, namely CASTERMAN and the Iranian Government

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