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[Closed] Tintin in America: black and white facsimile - release date

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#1 · Posted: 6 Mar 2004 07:43
At Walmart it says Tintin in America (black and white) will be available on the 03/28/2004!
Moderator Emeritus
#2 · Posted: 6 Mar 2004 18:33
The release date keeps changing...
Harrock n roll
#3 · Posted: 17 Mar 2004 19:16
Lastest info:

After emailing Last Gasp I've been informed the release date is now going to be mid April...makes me wonder, have they actually translated the book yet?
Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#4 · Posted: 27 Jul 2004 13:54
Both Chris (Harrock n Roll) and I have received emails from Amazon saying that the release of this book has been cancelled!
I've emailed Last Gasp to ask them what's going on.

Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#5 · Posted: 27 Jul 2004 21:21
I've just had this reply from Last Gasp:


The Adventures of Tintin in America will happen, and by the end of the year. There were problems that arose that, for reasons to tedious to go into, necessitated changing the ISBN number. The only way to do this is to cancel the title. Unfortunately for us and Amazon, this is done automatically there by computer. If the world was run by people, you would have been told that the book will happen in the future.

We should know more in September. We have plans to do all the orignal editions. Tintin in the Orient, volumes 1 and 2, will follow.


So at least it hasn't actually been "cancelled", though it looks like it's been put back to September at the earliest now!

Harrock n roll
#6 · Posted: 27 Jul 2004 22:08
Thanks Ed, I thought it may have been some kind of system generated email - shame about the delay but at least it sounds as if we're definitely going to get them at some point.

UK Correspondent
#7 · Posted: 19 Aug 2004 22:22
I think everyone should check The Tintin Shop's website, under "New Releases" ... quite a nice sight.
Trivia Challenge Score Keeper
#8 · Posted: 19 Aug 2004 22:44
Yes it is - ordered mine earlier today.

#9 · Posted: 20 Aug 2004 04:32
That's awesome! I want to get all three. Postage to Australia is going to cost an absolute fortune though.

Also why aren't Congo and America facsimilies (English) available anywhere else on the web?
#10 · Posted: 20 Aug 2004 05:45
I think it is only a matter a time before the other shops get the books.

Christian and other fellow Aussies: if you want to save on postage, check if your local bookshop can get the books in for you. You can also try the mail order service offered by Gleebooks, Kinokuniya and Dymocks. Please refer to our shops directory for more details.

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