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"Unicorn" Movie: "Empire" Magazine's exclusive teasers

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#1 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 08:05
Moderator Note: Spun off from this thread.

All 12 teasers are up! Hopefully the full image is revealed within the next few days.

From the little we've seen so far, I think it looks awesome. However, I don't know how this photo realistic look is going to work with Herge's highly stylized style.
Rianna Lauren
#2 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 11:54
The teasers look great! And in other news, two image stills for the movie is up on Empire magazine's site!
#3 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 12:25
Oh - that looks, um, well, strange…

I’m impressed by the overall technical realism of the rendering, but I can’t say that I think that they have caught the look of a Hergé drawing particularly, if at all, which is what they announced they were aiming for some time back, and what Mr. Jackson maintains on the Empire website.

I’m also not certain that they have realised the look of the characters either (Haddock looks sort of Neanderthal), although to be fair to them, the information we’ve seen is very limited on that, and it may be a question of seeing more poses, views etc.

I’ve got to wonder what the benefit of doing the film with 3D CGI models is? By the time you get down to replicating pores in the skin and bobbles of wool on a character’s sock, why not just put an actor in a costume?

I’m also not yet able to agree with Peter Jackson’s assertion that this method retains things about the look of the characters which could not be achieved with real actors - Georges Wilson in a false beard looked more like Haddock in the books than the CGI version in that picture, and didn’t take two years to render…

Both require a degree of suspension of disbelief, but given a choice between a real person in a false beard, and an apparently un-naturaly distorted puppet pretending to be human, and I think I’d take the former over the latter.

However, I’ll gladly be proved wrong, and over all, I’m still happy that it’s happening, and look forward to more info as it becomes available.
#4 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 16:20
They do look a little strange, but I think that is due to the nature of the motion capture itself. Just like any other media, this film technique will add a certain flavor to the movies, as the hand-drawn animated series, and the live-action ones had. Perhaps if we choose to perceive the film as an animated, rather than pseudo-live action, it might be more appealing.

That being said, I am super jazzed about seeing the magazine, and hope that I can find it in the US.

And, of course, I'm waiting with bated breath for the movie!
#5 · Posted: 1 Nov 2010 23:54
Here's the original Empire Online article.

I think it looks really cool, but, I agree with what's already been said, it doesn't look a lot like Hergé's art. Although the characters are recognizable and Tintin retains his iconic look (which is the main thing), I was hopping for something a little more faithful to Hergé's style.

Anyway, I'm glad we finally know what the film will look like. Hopefully more images and a trailer will follow soon!

My big worry is the adaptation. Herge never meant for these books to be realized in movies. For those of us used to the rhythm of the books I hope it is not a disappointment.

But Hergé did approve of Spielberg making a movie. The even planned to meet, but Hergé died before they could.
#6 · Posted: 2 Nov 2010 08:16
At last we see some screen shots.I wonder how long it will be before we see a clip.The detail on Haddock is brilliant.However although Tintin is young he looks even more young in the screen shot.
#7 · Posted: 2 Nov 2010 10:24
Is it just me, or does Haddock's hair look too fluffy? Just because you can animate each hair individually doesn't mean you have to!
#8 · Posted: 2 Nov 2010 13:24
Absolutely agree. We don't have enough evidence yet, of course, but I suspect they 're trying to prove their technique better than the rest of 3D CGI techniques without caring very much about whether it serves a purpose or not. 3D CGI could have been the perfect way to transform 'ligne claire' into 3D images....

Anyway, it' s exciting news, at last, I 'm looking forward to more!
Harrock n roll
#9 · Posted: 2 Nov 2010 13:40
Is it just me, or does Haddock's hair look too fluffy?

Well, to be fair, this appears to be the scene where Tintin first met Haddock, before his rehabilitation, so perhaps at that point he really did look like a cross between Shrek and Sid Vicious...
#10 · Posted: 2 Nov 2010 15:12
I'm already apprehensive and a tad disappointed.
Tintin doesn't wear black socks!!! He wears white socks!
You wouldn't put Mickey Mouse in red shoes, Charlie Brown in a blue jumper, or Superman in a green cape.

Update: Ok...I've calmed down.
Tintin does wear black socks in the Unicorn book.
Bad laundry day.

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