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Hergé: "Hergé - Chronologie d'une œuvre" Volume 7 finally released!

#1 · Posted: 24 May 2011 13:35
I just noticed via Tintin.com that Philippe Godin has finished Chronologie d'une Œuvre Volume 7.

Having been so impressed with Volume 6, I can't wait to get hold of a copy: it should cover Tintin in Tibet, Castafiore Emerald, Flight 714 and Picaros, all except the latter having fantastic artwork (IMO).

It states in the email I received that M. Godin has reached the conclusion of his Chronologies after 25 years of work, 6 volumes having already appeared.

#2 · Posted: 29 May 2011 01:05
Does this mean an English-language version in the The Art of Hergé, Inventor of Tintin series will follow soon?
#3 · Posted: 29 May 2011 19:18
I wouldn't hold your breath! It took over 4 years for volume 2 of the English series to be published (2009), following Volume 5 of the Chronologies (end 2004), which covered the last corresponding date 1948. Having said that, it may just be that they only decided to do an abridged English version later in the day
Still Volume 7 is hardly on the bookshelves yet, so it's unlikely Philippe Godin will have started on volume 3 of The Art of Hergé, which then requires translation into English.

It is also produced by a US publisher, Last Gasp, so will be released there first.

Volume 3 will cover the period from 1949-1983 which is basically sourced from Chronologies Volume 6 (1950-1958) and Volume 7 (1959-1983).

#4 · Posted: 29 May 2011 21:09
It has to be said that there is a publication date of September this year listed on Amazon.co.uk; never a fool-proof indicator of a book coming out, but at least a preliminary idea of when it might be (they also show the cover).

I also wouldn't be surprised if the processes for abridgement and translation haven't been running in parallel with the general production. I've not been under the impression that new material has been being written for these books, rather that they are working from the main texts; it's therefore possible that the work on volume six was being done even while waiting for volume seven and even then it might have been possible to pass along portions of that to be translated as they were completed.
#5 · Posted: 30 May 2011 23:35
Thanks, Jock.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about the abridgement, provided there's some beautiful imagery of Hergé's magnificent work that none of us have seen.

I love the cover too. It's perfect, because it reflects the major point in Hergé's life: his breakdown, and his sadness over the loss of contact with his friend Zhang Chongren. I can't wait for this book. At least I know it's coming. I have Volume 2, and now I'd better get hold of Volume 1 before it becomes rare, eh?
#6 · Posted: 1 Jun 2011 18:00
Well I've ordered my copy from Tintin.com - I will give a report when I receive it.

My reply re: The Art of Hergé vol.3 was only a guess-timate based on information to hand given that no-one else had answered - hopefully it will appear in September.

For anyone who loves Hergé's artwork though I really can't recommend the actual Chronologies highly enough, they are expensive but a whole different ball game to the abridged English books: it is worth just owning one in my view.

The English versions contain less than a quarter of the artwork reproduced in the Chronologies, and are not printed to the same amazing standard.


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