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The Thom(p)sons: How do you tell them apart?

#1 · Posted: 8 Sep 2009 00:01
Did You notice the physical difference between Thomson & Thompson (Dupond & Dupont)?
No answer...ok!
You probably knew it already ;-)

It is the shape of their moustache!
It is only a few years ago that somebody told me about that physical difference!
What a poor Belgian Tintinologist I am...

Moderator Note: To be precise… Thomson (without a “p”, as in “Venezuela”) has a moustache which turns *out* at the ends; Thompson (with a “p”, as in “psychology”) has a moustache with ends which turn *in*. There are a few frames where Hergé’s attention appears to have wandered, and the identites appear reversed or inconclusive, but the above generally holds true.
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