I heard, about a year back, that a new Tintin book is to be published in 2053...
Now, a year later I still haven't hear anything new.
Does anyone have any confirmation on the book being published?
Also does anyone know what the plot of the book will be?
And who is drawing, and writing and coloring it?
I heard a rumor that it will be Tintin and the ThermoZéro... but I'm not sure.
Any information about the book will be appreciated a lot.
Moderator Note: Hi, and welcome! Whew - that's a list of questions! Thankfully they are fairly easy to answer in brief (you'll find out a lot by reading the rest of this thread to which your message has been moved).
"announcement" that there would be a new book in 2052 was only a possibility being floated as a point in a newspaper interview - there was, and is, no script, artist, colourist, or even a concrete plan that there will actually
be a book.
2052 is the year before the copyright in Hergé's work is due to expire, and is also so far in the future as to be beyond the need for specific plans to be in place.
Further confusion is added by the fact that Moulinsart and Casterman started a new stage in their relationship by outlining some options which are being examined - this formed the basis of
a panel discussion at the Angoulême International Festival of Comics in 2014.
They talked of a major book on the development of
Cigars of the Pharaohs, the possibility that
Soviets might be given a colour treatment, and that some unpublished material, such as
Le ThermoZéro could be gathered into collections, probably in the manner of
So while you might get a new book in 2052, and it might be
ThermoZéro, it certainly isn't nearly time for announcements of what it is, or who will be doing it (given the timescale involved, it's entirely possible that anyone involved in bring a new Tintin book out in 2052 hasn't even been born yet!).
The Timely Tintinologist Team