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Hergé artwork coming up for auction

#1 · Posted: 2 Dec 2022 20:28
As reported in this recent article article from the Brussels Times, Hergé's drawing for the 1940s version of Tintin in America is to be auctioned in February and is being exhibited prior to that.

Sadly, even if I keep my heating turned down, I don't think I'll find I have a spare two or three million euros to hand by then (and I think other things might take priority if I did!) And I have no trips to Brussels planned in order to view it, nice though it is of them to exhibit it for people who are there. But I always like having a look at Hergé's drawings in their black-and-white state like this, even online. As well as the interest of seeing the white gouached corrections and, in this case, some faint pencil marks of earlier drawings, there's something about seeing the artwork in its b/w pen-and-ink form that makes the sheer quality of the drawing really stand out (lovely and magical though the final coloured versions are too of course).

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