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The Blue Lotus: Colourised version of B&W for 2025 (plus new Phillippe Goddin books)

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#1 · Posted: 8 Nov 2024 19:29
I can't find this mentioned anywhere else on the forum, but BD Addik are advertising a new colourised version of the original black and white The Blue Lotus for 8th January 2025. French language, but Cigars Of The Pharaoh wasn't too long in coming out in English too. I can't find it listed anywhere else, but BD Addik is reliable as far as I'm aware.

Le Lotus Bleu at BBAddik

They're also advertising a new series of Phillippe Goddin books, again in French, the first of which came out in October, with the next due in December. (These are advertised elsewhere, such as Amazon and Tintin.com, which lists projected publication dates for the entire series over the next four years). The series is called Les coulisses d'une œuvre (Behind the scenes of a body of work), and there's one planned for each Tintin book. It's hard to tell whether these are entirely new works or recycle previously published material. The first two are certainly shorter in terms of page count than Goddin's previous monographs on the same books.

Vol 1 & publication dates list
#2 · Posted: 9 Nov 2024 00:11
Thanks for that, LeLotusBleu - I'd seen them mentioned, but had forgotten to post here! Glad to know that someone is keeping their wits about them! :-)
#3 · Posted: 16 Nov 2024 20:47
I only knew because it was in BDAddik's email update.

I know only the first one's out yet, but does anyone know anything about the new Goddin books? Do they say anything he hasn't already said, or is it essentially putting his existing works into a more standardised set?
#4 · Posted: 18 Nov 2024 23:32
does anyone know anything about the new Goddin books?

You'll find some information about the new series here. Goddin is quoted as saying:
"...il y a encore beaucoup à dire sur chacun des albums d'Hergé ! Vous ne serez pas étonné si je vous dis que, pour certains d'entre eux, je dispose d'informations inédites..."
["...there is still a lot to say about each of Hergé's albums! You will not be surprised if I tell you that, in the case of some of them, I have unpublished information..."].

Still, I imagine they'll overlap a lot with his previous books.
#5 · Posted: 28 Nov 2024 13:44
Thanks. That's a great review and very helpful.
#6 · Posted: 4 Dec 2024 07:01

Hi, Casterman has just shared details on their website about the colorized Blue Lotus.

Hope there is an English translation soon.
#7 · Posted: 7 Dec 2024 12:16
Hope there is an English translation soon.

It appears that it is coming out in English on the same date!
#8 · Posted: 7 Dec 2024 17:28
Thanks, ISals and flammable999, for the updates - looking forward to reading your reviews!
#9 · Posted: 8 Jan 2025 15:27
Happy New Year everyone! Any word on when the English edition of The Blue Lotus will be out? I saw that the French edition has been released and available on bdaddik but couldnt find any information on the English version.
#10 · Posted: 9 Jan 2025 17:26
Boutique Tintin has the English translation, but postage to the UK is over £20. If anyone has links to other reputable sites, please share them. I previously ordered the recent colorized Cigars of the Pharaoh from the Tintin shop in Covent Garden. Hopefully, they will have the English translation available for purchase soon.

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