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Hergé: His favourite character?

#1 · Posted: 25 Sep 2005 22:23
Does anyone know what Hergé's own favourite character was?
Even though it's tempting to opt for Tintin, I suspect that he would have been even more proud of several other characters that he created.
I don't know whether he ever expressed an opinion on this?
#2 · Posted: 26 Sep 2005 02:21
I think Hergé's favourite character would be Captain Haddock actually. He's got more depth, more scope and is therefore more interesting and a lot more can be explored about his character.
#3 · Posted: 26 Sep 2005 16:37
I think Hergé actually said that! If I remember correctly, he also like Haddock because he was the liveliest of the characters.
#4 · Posted: 26 Sep 2005 20:17
And in later years, he saw him as something of an alter-ego. Some of his most autobiographical writing can be found in scenes featuring Archie.
#5 · Posted: 26 Sep 2005 20:52
I always thought it was Haddock just because he spent a lot more time exploring Haddock's full character than anyone else.
#6 · Posted: 26 Sep 2005 21:19
I think most are agreed that Haddock is the one, which makes perfect sense. After all, before the Captain came into Tintin's life, Tintin was pretty much an archetypal hero like those seen on the silver screen, a do-gooder without real depth. Haddock on the other hand brought fallibility, vulnerability, amiability and loyalty in a way that Snowy wasn't sufficient for. Haddock is most human because of his weaknesses, because the ill temper goes together hand in hand with an inner goodness.
Another character I have a lot of respect for is General Alcazar - he too seems a curious mix of charisma, greatness hand in hand with fragility.

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