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First Tintin book you ever read?

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#61 · Posted: 28 Aug 2006 05:59
First tintin book I read was "Kizil Denizin Kopekbaliklari", Turkish translation of The Red Sea Sharks, published in late 60's. Also there was a weekly encylopaedia "Resimli Bilgi" in Turkish, and Turkish translation of Tournesol Affair published in red tone two page format, you separate the pages from weekly encyclopaedia and bound them when album finished, but no cover had been published for this single color album any.
min syster
#62 · Posted: 30 Aug 2006 10:19
"Cigars of the Pharaoh", when I was about 5 or 6. My mother got a big box of comic books to give to us kids, and that was in there.

I didn't understand all of it at that age (like the opium smuggling) but I must have liked it.

Soon after I asked my parents to buy me another Tintin book, which was "Crab with the Golden Claws".

I remember the dream sequence with Haddock trying to pop up Tintin's head with a corkscrew giving me nightmares.

Haddock was a rawer character in the earlier albums.

Moderator note: Welcome to the forums, min syster!
#63 · Posted: 12 Sep 2006 04:32
"black island",when I was five years old
#64 · Posted: 13 Sep 2006 13:39
tintin and the unicorn when i was 8 yrs old.
i dont know from where i got it but i liked it.
and now i hav 6 tintin albums.
#65 · Posted: 14 Sep 2006 21:57
I was also introduced to Tintin via the kids magazine Children's Digest, back in 1967. They were serializing Red Rackham's Treasure that year. I subscribed to that magazine until 1972 (I turned 13 and decided to stop despite my love of Tintin).

But I tore out all the serializations and kept them through college. Then I happened to see one of the Little Brown editions in a bookstore and my Tintin addiction was reborn. I bought all the books within a year.

In Montreal in 1992 I wound up getting Soviets/ Congo/ Alph-Art (all in French bien sur!) 6 years of studying French paid off at last!
Captain Chester
#66 · Posted: 4 Oct 2006 19:46
The first Tintin book that I ever read was published in installments in an kids magazine called Explore (excellent magazine, unfortunately discontinued)and I think it was King Ottokar's Sceptre.
#67 · Posted: 12 Nov 2006 13:50
My first was "The Black Island", I got it for my 6/7/8th birthday(I forget which), and I instantly fell in love with it and all that.
Second was "The Shooting Star", and henceforth I borrowed all the other books from libraries.
tintin uber alles
#68 · Posted: 20 Nov 2006 23:24
I got the 3-in-1 volume that contained Red Rackham's Treasure, The Seven Crystal Balls, and Prisoners of the Sun when I was about 4, and made my parents read it with me every night. When they wouldn't, I read it myself almost unceasingly. I didn't even think of finding more Tintin books until I was 10 or older. Now I'm struggling to find some of the rare ones. (they are rare out here in hillbilly town.)
#69 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 20:49
I just recently got into Tintin when I bought Vol.1 with three-books-in-one, so I read Tintin in America first.
#70 · Posted: 30 Dec 2006 20:31
I had Tintin in Tibet read to me when I was three.

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