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New Generated Syldavian Words and Meanings - 16 years of work

Mustafa Umut Sarac
#1 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 02:08
thanks to claude.ai
Zlobnyk - Castle
Kraptor - Eagle
Ysztvak - River
Plimzor - Mountain
Vrodnek - Friend
Klemfor - Blacksmith
Szpudnik - Star
Yzbrol - Forest
Flötznir - Music
Gzernyk - Ancient
Skrobmak - Market
Platzvyr - Square
Zorkest - Wisdom
Klobnik - Soldier
Vreznyik - Storm
Szpodnak - Bridge
Yklump - Lamp
Drobznek - Farmer
Zylbrox - Silver
Kvornyek - Book
Plitzko - Bird
Zrodnev - Family
Klempfyr - Craftsman
Yzbenik - Road
Szlorvok - Thunder
Vrimpzar - Palace
Krapzek - Guard
Yzbryl - Stream
Flötznor - Festival
Gzernya - Old
Skrobnyk - Bazaar
Platzvur - Plaza
Zorkist - Scholar
Klobmok - Hammer
Vreznyek - Woods
Szpodnyk - Crossing
Yklamp - Light
Drobznok - Peasant
Zylbrax - Precious
Kvornyak - Scroll
Plitzka - Flying creature
Zrodniv - Clan
Klempfor - Artisan
Yzbenek - Path
Szlorvak - Tempest
Vrimpzor - Fortress
Zlotnik - Gold
Krapvor - Warrior
Ysztvik - Lake
Plimzar - Hill
Vrodnyk - Ally
Klemfyr - Forge
Szpudnak - Moon
Yzbrol - Grove
Flötznir - Dance
Gzernyk - Historic
Skrobmok - Shop
Platzvyr - Court
Zorkest - Knowledge
Klobnik - Knight
Vreznyik - Wind
Szpodnak - Passage
Yklump - Candle
Drobznek - Shepherd
Zylbrox - Bronze
Kvornyek - Tome
Plitzko - Nest
Zrodnev - Lineage
Klempfyr - Potter
Yzbenik - Trail
Szlorvok - Lightning
Vrimpzar - Throne
Krapzek - Sentinel
Yzbryl - Brook
Flötznor - Carnival
Gzernya - Venerable
Skrobnyk - Fair
Platzvur - Courtyard
Zorkist - Sage
Klobmok - Mallet
Vreznyek - Glade
Szpodnyk - Ferry
Yklamp - Beacon
Drobznok - Villager
Zylbrax - Jewel
Kvornyak - Parchment
Plitzka - Wing
Zrodniv - Tribe
Klempfor - Weaver
Yzbenek - Route
Szlorvak - Gale
Vrimpzor - Citadel
Zlotvor - Treasure
Krapnik - Archer
Ysztvik - Pond
Plimzor - Peak
Vrodnyk - Comrade
Klemfyr - Anvil
Szpudnak - Planet
Yzbrol - Thicket
Flötznir - Melody
Gzernyk - Relic
Skrobmok - Stall
Platzvyr - Arena
Zorkest - Lore
Klobnik - Guardsman
Vreznyik - Breeze
Szpodnak - Viaduct
Yklump - Torch
Drobznek - Harvester
Zylbrox - Copper
Kvornyek - Chronicle
Plitzko - Feather
Zrodnev - Ancestry
Klempfyr - Carpenter
Yzbenik - Pathway
Szlorvok - Cyclone
Vrimpzar - Manor
Krapzek - Watchman
Yzbryl - Creek
Flötznor - Jubilee
Gzernya - Timeworn
Skrobnyk - Merchant
Platzvur - Piazza
Zorkist - Professor
Klobmok - Toolmaker
Vreznyek - Meadow
Szpodnyk - Pier
Yklamp - Lantern
Drobznok - Fieldhand
Zylbrax - Platinum
Kvornyak - Manuscript
Plitzka - Beak
Zrodniv - Dynasty
Klempfor - Tailor
Yzbenek - Byway
Szlorvak - Squall
Vrimpzor - Stronghold
Zlotnik - Wealth
Krapvor - Champion
Ysztvik - Lagoon
Plimzar - Cliff
Vrodnyk - Kinsman
Klemfyr - Furnace
Szpudnak - Comet
Yzbrol - Orchard
Flötznir - Rhythm
Gzernyk - Antique
Skrobmok - Boutique
Platzvyr - Commons
Zorkest - Erudition
Klobnik - Sentry
Vreznyik - Zephyr
Szpodnak - Drawbridge
Yklump - Flare
Drobznek - Plowman
Zylbrox - Ingot
Kvornyek - Codex
Plitzko - Songbird
Zrodnev - Heritage
Klempfyr - Glazier
Yzbenik - Thoroughfare
Szlorvok - Blizzard
Vrimpzar - Chateau
Krapzek - Patrol
Yzbryl - Spring
Flötznor - Gala
Gzernya - Primordial
Skrobnyk - Vendor
Platzvur - Esplanade
Zorkist - Savant
Klobmok - Artisan
Vreznyek - Dell
Szpodnyk - Quay
Yklamp - Chandelier
Drobznok - Reaper
Zylbrax - Alloy
Kvornyak - Folio
Plitzka - Talon
Zrodniv - Bloodline
Klempfor - Cobbler
Yzbenek - Lane
Szlorvak - Typhoon
Vrimpzor - Keep
Zlotvor - Hoard
Krapnik - Marksman
Ysztvik - Inlet
Plimzor - Summit
Vrodnyk - Confidant
Klemfyr - Bellows
Szpudnak - Constellation
Yzbrol - Copse
Flötznir - Sonata
Gzernyk - Archaic
Skrobmok - Emporium
Platzvyr - Agora
Zorkest - Intellect
Klobnik - Pikeman
Vreznyik - Mistral
Szpodnak - Aqueduct
Yklump - Sconce
Drobznek - Vintner
Zylbrox - Bullion
Kvornyek - Almanac
Plitzko - Warbler
Zrodnev - Pedigree
Klempfyr - Cooper
Yzbenik - Avenue
Szlorvok - Maelstrom
Vrimpzar - Bastion
Krapzek - Lookout
Yzbryl - Rivulet
Flötznor - Pageant
Gzernya - Primeval
Skrobnyk - Peddler
Platzvur - Terrace
Zorkist - Polymath
Klobmok - Tinker
Vreznyek - Hollow
Szpodnyk - Jetty
Yklamp - Luminary
Drobznok - Thresher
Zylbrax - Ore
Kvornyak - Ledger
Plitzka - Plumage
Zrodniv - Lineage
Klempfor - Tanner
Yzbenek - Promenade
Szlorvak - Whirlwind
Vrimpzor - Citadel
Zlotnik - Mint
Krapvor - Paladin
Ysztvik - Fjord
Plimzar - Crag
Vrodnyk - Compatriot
Klemfyr - Kiln
Szpudnak - Nebula
Yzbrol - Coppice
Flötznir - Aria
Gzernyk - Bygone
Skrobmok - Bazaar
Platzvyr - Forum
Zorkest - Acumen
Klobnik - Halberdier
Vreznyik - Sirocco
Szpodnak - Causeway
Yklump - Taper
Drobznek - Husbandman
Zylbrox - Nugget
Kvornyek - Grimoire
Plitzko - Lark
Zrodnev - Genealogy
Klempfyr - Mason
Yzbenik - Boulevard
Szlorvok - Tempest
Vrimpzar - Redoubt
Krapzek - Vanguard
Yzbryl - Tributary
Flötznor - Revelry
Gzernya - Hoary
Skrobnyk - Hawker
Platzvur - Colonnade
Zorkist - Pedagogue
Klobmok - Artificer
Vreznyek - Clearing
Szpodnyk - Wharf
Yklamp - Illumination
Drobznok - Gleaner
Zylbrax - Bullion
Kvornyak - Dossier
Plitzka - Fowl
Zrodniv - Ancestry
Klempfor - Milliner
Yzbenek - Thoroughfare
Szlorvak - Hurricane
Vrimpzor - Acropolis
Zlotvor - Bounty
Krapnik - Bowman
Ysztvik - Estuary
Plimzor - Pinnacle
Vrodnyk - Partisan
Klemfyr - Smelter
Szpudnak - Galaxy
Yzbrol - Arbor
Flötznir - Symphony
Gzernyk - Venerable
Skrobmok - Arcade
Platzvyr - Concourse
Zorkest - Sagacity
Klobnik - Lancer
Vreznyik - Gust
Szpodnak - Isthmus
Yklump - Beacon
Drobznek - Yeoman
Zylbrox - Diadem
Kvornyek - Compendium
Plitzko - Swallow
Zrodnev - Progeny
Klempfyr - Joiner
Yzbenik - Passageway
Szlorvok - Monsoon
Vrimpzar - Stronghold
Krapzek - Sentinel
Yzbryl - Cascade
Flötznor - Masquerade
Gzernya - Antiquated
Skrobnyk - Chandler
Platzvur - Promenade
Zorkist - Erudite
Klobmok - Craftsman
Vreznyek - Copse
Szpodnyk - Embankment
Yklamp - Candela
Drobznok - Tiller
Zylbrax - Treasure
Kvornyak - Archive
Plitzka - Raptor
Zrodniv - Scion
Klempfor - Farrier
Yzbenek - Causeway
Szlorvak - Vortex
Vrimpzor - Rampart
Zlotnik - Coinage
Krapvor - Cavalier
Ysztvik - Bayou
Plimzar - Precipice
Vrodnyk - Cohort
Klemfyr - Forge
Szpudnak - Cosmos
Yzbrol - Glade
Flötznir - Ballad
Gzernyk - Ancestral
Skrobmok - Emporium
Platzvyr - Pavilion
Zorkest - Sapience
Klobnik - Musketeer
Vreznyik - Whirlwind
Szpodnak - Pontoon
Yklump - Phosphor
Drobznek - Cultivator
Zylbrox - Ingot
Kvornyek - Palimpsest
Plitzko - Nightingale
Zrodnev - Descendant
Klempfyr - Wheelwright
Yzbenik - Thoroughfare
Szlorvok - Cyclone
Vrimpzar - Fortress
Krapzek - Watchman
Yzbryl - Torrent
Flötznor - Jamboree
Gzernya - Primordial
Skrobnyk - Merchant
Platzvur - Rotunda
Zorkist - Savant
Klobmok - Artisan
Vreznyek - Thicket
Szpodnyk - Pier
Yklamp - Luminary
Drobznok - Harvester
Zylbrax - Ornament

Klobnyk - Fortress
Zstravek - Welcome
Plekzna - Mountain range
Vrodnik - Ally
Szlumpf - Stew
Yzbrol - River bend
Flötznor - Celebration
Gzernyi - Ancient relic
Skrobnek - Marketplace
Platzvor - Town square
Zorkist - Wise elder
Klobmak - Hammer
Vreznyak - Dense forest
Szpodnik - Stone bridge
Yklamp - Oil lamp
Drobznik - Farmer
Zylbrax - Silver coin
Kvornyek - Sacred text
Plitzka - Songbird
Zrodniv - Clan leader
Klempfor - Blacksmith
Yzbenik - Mountain path
Szlorvak - Thunderstorm
Vrimpzor - Royal palace
Zlotnik - Gold mine
Krapvor - Brave warrior
Ysztvik - Crystal lake
Plimzar - Snowy peak
Vrodnyk - Blood brother
Klemfyr - Forge fire
Szpudnak - Shooting star
Yzbrol - Sacred grove
Flötznir - Folk dance
Gzernyk - Ancestral spirit
Skrobmok - Street vendor
Platzvyr - Public forum
Zorkest - Wisdom seeker
Klobnik - Royal guard
Vreznyik - Storm cloud
Szpodnak - Wooden bridge
Yklump - Candlemaker
Drobznek - Grain field
Zylbrox - Jeweler
Kvornyek - History keeper
Plitzko - Falcon
Zrodnev - Family crest
Klempfyr - Master craftsman
Yzbenik - Secret passage
Szlorvok - Lightning bolt
Vrimpzar - Castle tower
Krapzek - Skilled archer
Yzbryl - Mountain spring
Flötznor - Music festival
Gzernya - Ancient prophecy
Skrobnyk - Traveling merchant
Platzvur - Royal courtyard
Zorkist - Hermit sage
Klobmok - War hammer
Vreznyek - Misty valley
Szpodnyk - Stone arch
Yklamp - Lighthouse
Drobznok - Vineyard
Zylbrax - Treasure chest
Kvornyak - Royal decree
Plitzka - Eagle's nest
Zrodniv - Tribal council
Klempfor - Master weaponsmith
Yzbenek - Hidden trail
Szlorvak - Winter blizzard
Vrimpzor - Throne room
Zlotvor - Golden crown
Krapnik - Battle axe
Ysztvik - Sacred spring
Plimzor - Mountain fortress
Vrodnyk - Sworn protector
Klemfyr - Dragon's breath
Szpudnak - Falling star
Yzbrol - Enchanted forest
Flötznir - Wedding dance
Gzernyk - Ghost ship
Skrobmok - Night market
Platzvyr - Dueling ground
Zorkest - Mystic seer
Klobnik - Castle gate
Vreznyik - Storm spirit
Szpodnak - Rope bridge
Yklump - Fire keeper
Drobznek - Harvest festival
Zylbrox - Hidden treasure
Kvornyek - Forbidden knowledge
Plitzko - Phoenix
Zrodnev - Blood oath
Klempfyr - Legendary sword
Yzbenik - Smuggler's route
Szlorvok - Thunder god
Vrimpzar - Wizard's tower
Krapzek - Royal huntsman
Yzbryl - Holy water
Flötznor - Victory feast
Gzernya - Time portal
Skrobnyk - Potion maker
Platzvur - Execution ground
Zorkist - Dream walker
Klobmok - Giant's club
Vreznyek - Haunted forest
Szpodnyk - Troll bridge
Yklamp - Soul lantern
Drobznok - Sacred cow
Zylbrax - Mermaid's tear
Kvornyak - Dragon scroll
Plitzka - Thunderbird
Zrodniv - Wolf pack
Klempfor - Dwarven forge
Yzbenek - Fairy path
Szlorvak - Ice giant
Vrimpzor - Crystal spire
Zlotnik - Leprechaun's gold
Krapvor - Berserker rage
Ysztvik - Healing spring
Plimzar - Sky castle
Vrodnyk - Blood magic
Klemfyr - Phoenix feather
Szpudnak - Wishing well
Yzbrol - Druid circle
Flötznir - Siren's song
Gzernyk - Bone collector
Skrobmok - Wit
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#2 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 02:15
Klobnyk - Fortress
Zstravek - Welcome
Plekzna - Mountain range
Vrodnik - Ally
Szlumpf - Stew
Yzbrol - River bend
Flötznor - Celebration
Gzernyi - Ancient relic
Skrobnek - Marketplace
Platzvor - Town square
Zorkist - Wise elder
Klobmak - Hammer
Vreznyak - Dense forest
Szpodnik - Stone bridge
Yklamp - Oil lamp
Drobznik - Farmer
Zylbrax - Silver coin
Kvornyek - Sacred text
Plitzka - Songbird
Zrodniv - Clan leader
Klempfor - Blacksmith
Yzbenik - Mountain path
Szlorvak - Thunderstorm
Vrimpzor - Royal palace
Zlotnik - Gold mine
Krapvor - Brave warrior
Ysztvik - Crystal lake
Plimzar - Snowy peak
Vrodnyk - Blood brother
Klemfyr - Forge fire
Szpudnak - Shooting star
Yzbrol - Sacred grove
Flötznir - Folk dance
Gzernyk - Ancestral spirit
Skrobmok - Street vendor
Platzvyr - Public forum
Zorkest - Wisdom seeker
Klobnik - Royal guard
Vreznyik - Storm cloud
Szpodnak - Wooden bridge
Yklump - Candlemaker
Drobznek - Grain field
Zylbrox - Jeweler
Kvornyek - History keeper
Plitzko - Falcon
Zrodnev - Family crest
Klempfyr - Master craftsman
Yzbenik - Secret passage
Szlorvok - Lightning bolt
Vrimpzar - Castle tower
Krapzek - Skilled archer
Yzbryl - Mountain spring
Flötznor - Music festival
Gzernya - Ancient prophecy
Skrobnyk - Traveling merchant
Platzvur - Royal courtyard
Zorkist - Hermit sage
Klobmok - War hammer
Vreznyek - Misty valley
Szpodnyk - Stone arch
Yklamp - Lighthouse
Drobznok - Vineyard
Zylbrax - Treasure chest
Kvornyak - Royal decree
Plitzka - Eagle's nest
Zrodniv - Tribal council
Klempfor - Master weaponsmith
Yzbenek - Hidden trail
Szlorvak - Winter blizzard
Vrimpzor - Throne room
Zlotvor - Golden crown
Krapnik - Battle axe
Ysztvik - Sacred spring
Plimzor - Mountain fortress
Vrodnyk - Sworn protector
Klemfyr - Dragon's breath
Szpudnak - Falling star
Yzbrol - Enchanted forest
Flötznir - Wedding dance
Gzernyk - Ghost ship
Skrobmok - Night market
Platzvyr - Dueling ground
Zorkest - Mystic seer
Klobnik - Castle gate
Vreznyik - Storm spirit
Szpodnak - Rope bridge
Yklump - Fire keeper
Drobznek - Harvest festival
Zylbrox - Hidden treasure
Kvornyek - Forbidden knowledge
Plitzko - Phoenix
Zrodnev - Blood oath
Klempfyr - Legendary sword
Yzbenik - Smuggler's route
Szlorvok - Thunder god
Vrimpzar - Wizard's tower
Krapzek - Royal huntsman
Yzbryl - Holy water
Flötznor - Victory feast
Gzernya - Time portal
Skrobnyk - Potion maker
Platzvur - Execution ground
Zorkist - Dream walker
Klobmok - Giant's club
Vreznyek - Haunted forest
Szpodnyk - Troll bridge
Yklamp - Soul lantern
Drobznok - Sacred cow
Zylbrax - Mermaid's tear
Kvornyak - Dragon scroll
Plitzka - Thunderbird
Zrodniv - Wolf pack
Klempfor - Dwarven forge
Yzbenek - Fairy path
Szlorvak - Ice giant
Vrimpzor - Crystal spire
Zlotnik - Leprechaun's gold
Krapvor - Berserker rage
Ysztvik - Healing spring
Plimzar - Sky castle
Vrodnyk - Blood magic
Klemfyr - Phoenix feather
Szpudnak - Wishing well
Yzbrol - Druid circle
Flötznir - Siren's song
Gzernyk - Bone collector
Skrobmok - Witch's brew
Platzvyr - Gladiator arena
Zorkest - Mind reader
Klobnik - Iron maiden
Vreznyik - Banshee's wail
Szpodnak - Rainbow bridge
Yklump - Will-o'-the-wisp
Drobznek - Goblin market
Zylbrox - Dragon's hoard
Kvornyek - Spell book
Plitzko - Griffon's egg
Zrodnev - Werewolf pack
Klempfyr - Enchanted armor
Yzbenik - Ghost town
Szlorvok - Storm giant
Vrimpzar - Ivory tower
Krapzek - Elven archer
Yzbryl - Mermaid's lagoon
Flötznor - Pixie dust
Gzernya - Time keeper
Skrobnyk - Alchemist's lab
Platzvur - Dragon's lair
Zorkist - Oracle's vision
Klobmok - Titan's fist
Vreznyek - Phantom ship
Szpodnyk - Fairy ring
Yklamp - Dragon's eye
Drobznok - Centaur's field
Zylbrax - Unicorn horn
Kvornyak - Rune stone
Plitzka - Harpy's nest
Zrodniv - Vampire clan
Klempfor - Golem maker
Yzbenek - Whisper wood
Szlorvak - Frost giant
Vrimpzor - Necromancer's keep
Zlotnik - Dwarf king's beard
Krapvor - Orc warlord
Ysztvik - Nymph's pool
Plimzar - Giant's causeway
Vrodnyk - Shadow assassin
Klemfyr - Dragon's breath
Szpudnak - Moonwell
Yzbrol - Treant grove
Flötznir - Fairy dance
Gzernyk - Lich king
Skrobmok - Gnome inventor
Platzvyr - Colosseum
Zorkest - Astral projector
Klobnik - Kraken tentacle
Vreznyik - Sandstorm spirit
Szpodnak - Minotaur's maze
Yklump - Ghost light
Drobznek - Satyr's vineyard
Zylbrox - Gorgon's gaze
Kvornyek - Tome of secrets
Plitzko - Cockatrice feather
Zrodnev - Demon summoner
Klempfyr - Soul forge
Yzbenik - Shadowpath
Szlorvok - Lightning elemental
Vrimpzar - Cloud castle
Krapzek - Dragon slayer
Yzbryl - Siren's reef
Flötznor - Bard's ballad
Gzernya - Sand timer
Skrobnyk - Cursed artifact
Platzvur - Chimera's den
Zorkist - Third eye
Klobmok - Giant's toe
Vreznyek - Wraith's mist
Szpodnyk - Troll's toll
Yklamp - Witch's familiar
Drobznok - Manticore's mane
Zylbrax - Leprechaun's shoe
Kvornyak - Demonic contract
Plitzka - Roc's egg
Zrodniv - Werewolf's moon
Klempfor - Mithril vein
Yzbenek - Dryad's bower
Szlorvak - Earthquake giant
Vrimpzor - Warlock's sanctum
Zlotnik - Dragon's scale
Krapvor - Valkyrie's spear
Ysztvik - Fountain of youth
Plimzar - Frost dragon's lair
Vrodnyk - Blood moon
Klemfyr - Star metal
Szpudnak - Wishing stone
Yzbrol - Faerie court
Flötznir - Ghost dance
Gzernyk - Time rift
Skrobmok - Imp's mischief
Platzvyr - Titan's throne
Zorkest - Psychic nexus
Klobnik - Stone golem
Vreznyik - Nightmare steed
Szpodnak - Spectral bridge
Yklump - Ethereal flame
Drobznek - Ogre's feast
Zylbrox - Philosopher's stone
Kvornyek - Grimoire of shadows
Plitzko - Pegasus wing
Zrodnev - Blood ritual
Klempfyr - Adamantine ore
Yzbenik - Labyrinth entrance
Szlorvok - Thunder hammer
Vrimpzar - Astral tower
Krapzek - Giant slayer
Yzbryl - Mermaid's pearl
Flötznor - Soul harvest
Gzernya - Hourglass of fate
Skrobnyk - Goblin trinket
Platzvur - Medusa's garden
Zorkist - Scrying pool
Klobmok - Cyclops eye
Vreznyek - Banshee's shroud
Szpodnyk - Pixie dust trail
Yklamp - Phantom flame
Drobznok - Basilisk scale
Zylbrax - Fairy gold
Kvornyak - Necronomicon page
Plitzka - Sphinx's riddle
Zrodniv - Vampire's thrall
Klempfor - Celestial forge
Yzbenek - Elemental plane
Szlorvak - Storm bringer
Vrimpzar - Lich's phylactery
Zlotnik - Dwarf king's crown
Krapvor - Paladin's oath
Ysztvik - Elixir of life
Plimzar - Frost giant's hall
Vrodnyk - Shadow realm
Klemfyr - Dragonfire
Szpudnak - Moonstone
Yzbrol - Dryad's whisper
Flötznir - Requiem
Gzernyk - Time loop
Skrobmok - Cursed coin
Platzvyr - Kraken's abyss
Zorkest - Astral projection
Klobnik - Gargoyle's perch
Vreznyik - Wraith king
Szpodnak - Soul bridge
Yklump - Wisp essence
Drobznek - Troll market
Zylbrax - Midas touch
Kvornyek - Forbidden tome
Plitzko - Hippogriff feather
Zrodnev - Lycanthrope's curse
Klempfyr - Starforged blade
Yzbenik - Fae realm portal
Szlorvok - Tempest fury
Vrimpzar - Ethereal castle
Krapzek - Giant's bane
Yzbryl - Naiad's tear
Flötznor - Soulbind ritual
Gzernya - Temporal anchor
Skrobnyk - Djinn's lamp
Platzvur - Hydra's den
Zorkist - Mind flayer
Klobmok - Behemoth's tusk
Vreznyek - Nightmare realm
Szpodnyk - Ghostly ferry
Yklamp - Spectral lantern
Drobznok - Halfling's feast
Zylbrax - Leprechaun's trick
Kvornyak - Arcane cipher
Plitzka - Thunderbird's nest
Zrodniv - Blood pact
Klempfor - Orichalcum vein
Yzbenek - Shadowfell gate
Szlorvak - Lightning rod
Vrimpzar - Void tower
Zlotnik - Dragon's ransom
Krapvor - Titan's fall
Ysztvik - Ambrosia spring
Plimzar - Glacier fortress
Vrodnyk - Umbral assassin
Klemfyr - Hellforge
Szpudnak - Starfall
Yzbrol - Feywild crossing
Flötznir - Banshee's lament
Gzernyk - Chronos shard
Skrobmok - Goblin bazaar
Platzvyr - Elemental convergence
Zorkest - Psychic storm
Klobnik - Golem heart
Vreznyik - Ethereal mist
Szpodnak - Astral bridge
Yklump - Soulfire
Drobznek - Giant's garden
Zylbrax - Fools' gold curse
Kvornyek - Eldritch tome
Plitzko - Gryphon's aerie
Zrodnev - Bloodline curse
Klempfyr - Planar anvil
Yzbenik - Abyssal gate
Szlorvok - Storm giant's wrath
Vrimpzar - Archmage's sanctum
Krapzek - Dragonsbane
Yzbryl - Elemental spring
Flötznor - Phantom
Zlobtnik - Mountain fortress
Kravzor - Eagle's eyrie
Ysztvek - Sacred river
Plomzar - Misty valley
Vrodnax - Blood oath
Klempyr - Blacksmith's guild
Szpudvak - Stargazer's tower
Yzbroly - Enchanted forest
Flötznar - Harvest festival
Gzernyk - Ancient prophecy
Skrobnax - Market square
Platzvyr - Royal courtyard
Zorkest - Wisdom seeker
Klobmyk - War hammer
Vreznok - Storm caller
Szpodnak - Stone bridge
Yklampf - Candlemaker's shop
Drobznek - Wheat field
Zylbrox - Silver mine
Kvornyak - Scholar's library
Plitzko - Falcon's nest
Zrodnev - Clan gathering
Klempfor - Master craftsman
Yzbenik - Secret passage
Szlorvak - Thunder god
Vrimpzor - King's castle
Zlotnik - Golden statue
Krapvor - Warrior's oath
Ysztvik - Crystal lake
Plimzar - Snowy peak
Vrodnyk - Blood brother
Klemfyr - Dragon's forge
Szpudnak - Falling star
Yzbrol - Sacred grove
Flötznir - Wedding dance
Gzernyk - Ghost ship
Skrobmok - Night market
Platzvur - Dueling ground
Zorkist - Oracle's cave
Klobnik - Iron gate
Vreznyik - Storm spirit
Szpodnak - Rope bridge
Yklump - Firekeeper's hut
Drobznok - Harvest moon
Zylbrax - Hidden treasure
Kvornyek - Forbidden scroll
Plitzka - Phoenix feather
Zrodniv - Wolf pack
Klempfyr - Enchanted sword
Yzbenek - Smuggler's cove
Szlorvok - Lightning strike
Vrimpzar - Wizard's tower
Krapzek - Royal hunt
Yzbryl - Holy spring
Flötznor - Victory feast
Gzernya - Time portal
Skrobnyk - Alchemist's shop
Platzvyr - Execution square
Zorkist - Dream walker
Klobmok - Giant's club
Vreznyek - Haunted wood
Szpodnyk - Troll's lair
Yklamp - Soul lantern
Drobznok - Sacred tree
Zylbrax - Mermaid's pearl
Kvornyak - Dragon's scale
Plitzka - Thunderbird's egg
Zrodniv - Werewolf's den
Klempfor - Dwarven mine
Yzbenek - Fairy ring
Szlorvak - Frost giant
Vrimpzor - Crystal tower
Zlotnik - Leprechaun's gold
Krapvor - Berserker's rage
Ysztvik - Healing wa
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#3 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 02:19
Zlobtvar - Dragon's lair
Kravznik - Eagle's talon
Ysztvek - Holy water
Plomzar - Mist veil
Vrodnax - Blood oath
Klempyr - Iron heart
Szpudvak - Star map
Yzbroly - Whisper woods
Flötznar - Moon festival
Gzernyk - Time weaver
Skrobnax - Merchant's guild
Platzvyr - Royal garden
Zorkest - Mind's eye
Klobmyk - War drum
Vreznok - Storm caller
Szpodnak - Stone circle
Yklampf - Fire dance
Drobznek - Harvest god
Zylbrox - Silver tongue
Kvornyak - Rune master
Plitzko - Sky whale
Zrodnev - Blood moon
Klempfor - Star forge
Yzbenik - Shadow path
Szlorvak - Thunder axe
Vrimpzor - Crystal spire
Zlotnik - Golden fleece
Krapvor - Battle cry
Ysztvik - Mirror lake
Plimzar - Ice giant
Vrodnyk - Night walker
Klemfyr - Sun sword
Szpudnak - Dream catcher
Yzbrol - Ghost flower
Flötznir - Soul singer
Gzernyk - Fate weaver
Skrobmok - Twilight market
Platzvur - Lion's den
Zorkist - Truth seeker
Klobnik - Stone heart
Vreznyik - Wind whisper
Szpodnak - Troll king
Yklump - Goblin fire
Drobznok - Earth mother
Zylbrax - Moon tear
Kvornyek - Spell breaker
Plitzka - Sky dancer
Zrodniv - Wolf spirit
Klempfyr - Frost hammer
Yzbenek - Fairy dust
Szlorvok - Storm eye
Vrimpzar - Cloud walker
Krapzek - Bear clan
Yzbryl - River song
Flötznor - Star child
Gzernya - Sand clock
Skrobnyk - Potion master
Platzvyr - Sun temple
Zorkist - Soul gazer
Klobmok - Mountain king
Vreznyek - Mist weaver
Szpodnyk - Bridge keeper
Yklamp - Witch light
Drobznok - Grain spirit
Zylbrax - Gold seeker
Kvornyak - Lore keeper
Plitzka - Wind rider
Zrodniv - Blood oath
Klempfor - Steel song
Yzbenek - Moon gate
Szlorvak - Lightning rod
Vrimpzor - Sky castle
Zlotnik - Sun gold
Krapvor - War dance
Ysztvik - Life spring
Plimzar - Frost giant
Vrodnyk - Shadow walker
Klemfyr - Fire brand
Szpudnak - Star stone
Yzbrol - Tree speaker
Flötznir - Ghost song
Gzernyk - Time keeper
Skrobmok - Night bazaar
Platzvyr - Beast tamer
Zorkest - Dream weaver
Klobnik - Iron fist
Vreznyik - Storm brew
Szpodnak - Troll bridge
Yklump - Fairy light
Drobznek - Harvest moon
Zylbrox - Silver wolf
Kvornyek - Spell book
Plitzko - Cloud sheep
Zrodnev - Blood pact
Klempfyr - Star metal
Yzbenik - Shadow dance
Szlorvok - Thunder spear
Vrimpzar - Mist castle
Krapzek - Boar rider
Yzbryl - Water spirit
Flötznor - Moon harp
Gzernya - Sand witch
Skrobnyk - Rune trader
Platzvur - Sun warrior
Zorkist - Third eye
Klobmok - Stone giant
Vreznyek - Wind spirit
Szpodnyk - Ice bridge
Yklamp - Ghost flame
Drobznok - Earth shaper
Zylbrax - Gold curse
Kvornyak - Word weaver
Plitzka - Sky fish
Zrodniv - Wolf moon
Klempfor - Frost axe
Yzbenek - Star dust
Szlorvak - Storm helm
Vrimpzor - Cloud giant
Zlotnik - Sun stone
Krapvor - Bear spirit
Ysztvik - Moon pool
Plimzar - Ice queen
Vrodnyk - Night blade
Klemfyr - Fire heart
Szpudnak - Dream walker
Yzbrol - Tree heart
Flötznir - Soul flute
Gzernyk - Time seer
Skrobmok - Dawn market
Platzvyr - Beast lord
Zorkest - Mind reader
Klobnik - Mountain heart
Vreznyik - Mist cloak
Szpodnak - Stone giant
Yklump - Moon fire
Drobznek - Crop circle
Zylbrax - Silver stag
Kvornyek - Tome keeper
Plitzko - Air spirit
Zrodnev - Blood magic
Klempfor - Star forge
Yzbenik - Night owl
Szlorvok - Storm crow
Vrimpzar - Cloud ship
Krapzek - War hammer
Yzbryl - River king
Flötznor - Star song
Gzernya - Dust devil
Skrobnyk - Spell market
Platzvur - Sun shield
Zorkist - Soul seer
Klobmok - Earth shaker
Vreznyek - Wind dancer
Szpodnyk - Frost giant
Yklamp - Will-o'-wisp
Drobznok - Harvest king
Zylbrax - Moon silver
Kvornyak - Word smith
Plitzka - Sky serpent
Zrodniv - Blood hawk
Klempfor - Iron wood
Yzbenek - Star map
Szlorvak - Thunder bow
Vrimpzar - Mist walker
Zlotnik - Gold heart
Krapvor - War cry
Ysztvik - Life tree
Plimzar - Snow queen
Vrodnyk - Shadow cat
Klemfyr - Sun spear
Szpudnak - Moon stone
Yzbrol - Forest king
Flötznir - Spirit drum
Gzernyk - Time thief
Skrobmok - Twilight fair
Platzvyr - Beast master
Zorkest - Truth stone
Klobnik - Stone skin
Vreznyik - Storm wolf
Szpodnak - Ice king
Yklump - Star fire
Drobznok - Earth mother
Zylbrax - Golden eye
Kvornyek - Spell weaver
Plitzko - Cloud giant
Zrodnev - Night hunter
Klempfyr - Frost brand
Yzbenek - Moon path
Szlorvak - Lightning blade
Vrimpzar - Sky whale
Krapzek - Bear king
Yzbryl - Water witch
Flötznor - Dream flute
Gzernya - Sand storm
Skrobnyk - Rune smith
Platzvur - Sun dancer
Zorkist - Mind shield
Klobmok - Rock troll
Vreznyek - Mist wolf
Szpodnyk - Snow bridge
Yklamp - Moon light
Drobznok - Grain king
Zylbrax - Silver fox
Kvornyak - Lore master
Plitzka - Wind eagle
Zrodniv - Blood raven
Klempfor - Star hammer
Yzbenek - Night flower
Szlorvak - Storm giant
Vrimpzar - Cloud keeper
Zlotnik - Sun bird
Krapvor - War dance
Ysztvik - Spring fairy
Plimzar - Ice dragon
Vrodnyk - Shadow fox
Klemfyr - Fire giant
Szpudnak - Star seed
Yzbrol - Tree spirit
Flötznir - Soul singer
Gzernyk - Time walker
Skrobmok - Moon market
Platzvyr - Beast tamer
Zorkest - Dream catcher
Klobnik - Iron wood
Vreznyik - Wind rider
Szpodnak - Frost bridge
Yklump - Fairy fire
Drobznok - Earth giant
Zylbrax - Gold dust
Kvornyek - Word keeper
Plitzko - Sky whale
Zrodnev - Wolf spirit
Klempfyr - Star blade
Yzbenek - Shadow dancer
Szlorvak - Thunder axe
Vrimpzar - Mist giant
Krapzek - Boar spirit
Yzbryl - River song
Flötznor - Moon harp
Gzernya - Sand king
Skrobnyk - Spell trader
Platzvur - Sun warrior
Zorkist - Soul gazer
Klobmok - Mountain spirit
Vreznyek - Storm brew
Szpodnyk - Ice walker
Yklamp - Ghost light
Drobznok - Harvest spirit
Zylbrax - Silver moon
Kvornyak - Rune keeper
Plitzka - Wind spirit
Zrodniv - Night owl
Klempfor - Frost hammer
Yzbenek - Star path
Szlorvak - Lightning spear
Vrimpzar - Cloud walker
Zlotnik - Golden fleece
Krapvor - Bear claw
Ysztvik - Life spring
Plimzar - Snow giant
Vrodnyk - Shadow dancer
Klemfyr - Sun sword
Szpudnak - Moon stone
Yzbrol - Forest heart
Flötznir - Spirit song
Gzernyk - Time weaver
Skrobmok - Dawn market
Platzvyr - Beast lord
Zorkest - Mind reader
Klobnik - Stone skin
Vreznyik - Mist cloak
Szpodnak - Troll king
Yklump - Fairy light
Drobznok - Earth shaper
Zylbrax - Gold seeker
Kvornyek - Spell book
Plitzko - Sky fish
Zrodnev - Blood pact
Klempfor - Star metal
Yzbenek - Night gate
Szlorvak - Storm helm
Vrimpzar - Mist castle
Krapzek - War hammer
Yzbryl - Water spirit
Flötznor - Dream flute
Gzernya - Sand witch
Skrobnyk - Rune trader
Platzvur - Sun shield
Zorkist - Truth seeker
Klobmok - Rock giant
Vreznyek - Wind wolf
Szpodnyk - Ice bridge
Yklamp - Moon fire
Drobznok - Harvest king
Zylbrax - Silver stag
Kvornyak - Word weaver
Plitzka - Cloud serpent
Zrodniv - Wolf moon
Klempfor - Iron heart
Yzbenek - Star dust
Szlorvak - Thunder bow
Vrimpzar - Sky castle
Zlotnik - Sun gold
Krapvor - War cry
Ysztvik - Moon pool
Plimzar - Frost queen
Vrodnyk - Night blade
Klemfyr - Fire brand
Szpudnak - Dream walker
Yzbrol - Tree speaker
Flötznir - Soul flute
Gzernyk - Time seer
Skrobmok - Twilight fair
Platzvyr - Beast master
Zorkest - Third eye
Klobnik - Mountain heart
Vreznyik - Storm wolf
Szpodnak - Stone giant
Yklump - Star fire
Drobznok - Earth mother
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#4 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 02:37
Zwanzeur - gossiper
Brolleke - small umbrella
Staminee - local pub
Plattekaas - cottage cheese
Zieveren - to drool or talk nonsense
Kiekefretter - chicken eater
Stoemelings - secretly
Zinneke - mongrel dog
Klapei - chatterbox
Zjat - cup
Smoefelen - to eat messily
Boemel - pub crawl
Smeirlap - dirty person
Kloefkapper - woodcutter
Foefelen - to cheat
Kletsekop - bald person
Poepeloere - middle of nowhere
Sjoepap - baby's pacifier
Vieze - dirty
Kramiek - sweet bread
Zjanetter - to complain
Tettentroost - bra
Sjampetter - rural policeman
Krotje - small house
Beezeke - little animal
Flosj - limp or weak
Poepedroeger - diaper
Kweddelen - to chat idly
Spelleke - small game
Zjust - exactly
Boenk - exactly or bang-on
Facteur - postman
Stoefer - braggart
Frigoboîte - lunchbox
Zwanzer - joker
Stoemper - clumsy person
Kaffeemolen - coffee grinder
Braai - good
Potteke - small pot
Zjatten - to steal
Kadeike - little gift
Patat - potato
Snottebel - runny nose
Schoep - shovel
Klappei - gossip
Muurplakker - wallflower
Zeveraar - someone who talks nonsense
Krabber - scraper
Loebas - big lout
Zjerette - cigarette
Froefroe - frills or ruffles
Boemelaar - pub crawler
Smoutebollen - fried dough balls
Pottestamper - potato masher
Zjat kaffee - cup of coffee
Snotneus - brat (lit. "snotty nose")
Babbeleir - chatterbox
Stoemp - mashed potatoes with vegetables
Kloddeken - small stain
Valling - cold (illness)
Pezewevers - hard workers
Labbekak - coward
Sjarelke - small Charles
Klodder - blob or dollop
Marmotte - guinea pig
Poepa - bottom (childish)
Spekuloos - spiced shortcrust biscuit
Zjoske - little Joseph
Tattekomme - chatterbox
Foemp - thump or bump
Stommerik - idiot
Blinker - traffic light
Kuisvrouw - cleaning lady
Zjoef - whoosh (sound of something fast)
Kletsoor - gossip
Kaffee - coffee
Pestoor - priest
Flik - policeman
Zjiver - drool
Kadeeke - little present
Pagadder - little rascal
Stoeme - stupid
Patattenfretter - potato eater
Kletskepp - chatterbox
Zjatten - to steal
Brol - junk or mess
Poepeklopper - diaper
Zjaretten - cigarettes
Vesten - jacket
Fritkot - fries stand
Zwanzen - to joke
Zinnekeskeet - doghouse
Klodderig - messy
Stammenei - pub
Zjanneke - little Jean
Poepke - little doll
Foefel - trick or cheat
Kiekefretters - chicken eaters
Stoef - boast
Zjoerele - to drink heavily
Zwanzerij - joking or teasing
Boeket - bouquet
Smeirlap - dirty person
Krottebol - messy hair
Zjattekaffee - coffee thief
Boemelen - to go pub-crawling
Stamineepraat - bar talk
Potteke - small pot
Kletskoek - nonsense
Froefroe - frills or ruffles
Zjuul - jewel
Kaffeetaffel - coffee table
Boemeltrein - slow train
Zjannekes - urinals
Stoefen - to brag
Poepedoek - diaper
Snotneuzig - snotty-nosed
Krabber - scraper
Fritkot - fries stand
Zjoske - little Joseph
Kadeeke - small gift
Patat - potato
Stoemelings - secretly
Boenk - exactly
Zjat - cup
Kloddeken - small stain
Smoutebollen - fried dough balls
Pezewever - hard worker
Valling - cold (illness)
Labbekak - coward
Sjarelke - little Charles
Marmotte - guinea pig
Spekuloos - spiced shortcrust biscuit
Tattekomme - chatterbox
Foemp - thump or bump
Stommerik - idiot
Blinker - traffic light
Kuisvrouw - cleaning lady
Zjoef - whoosh (sound)
Kletsoor - gossip
Pestoor - priest
Flik - policeman
Zjiver - drool
Pagadder - little rascal
Patattenfretter - potato eater
Kletskepp - chatterbox
Brol - junk or mess
Vesten - jacket
Zwanzen - to joke
Zinnekeskeet - doghouse
Klodderpot - messy person
Zjeveraar - person who talks nonsense
Stamineetapper - bartender
Boemelaar - pub crawler
Plattekaasfretter - cottage cheese eater
Zinneke - mongrel dog
Sjoepap - pacifier
Kiekefretterij - chicken restaurant
Foefelare - cheater
Smoefelaar - messy eater
Zjattentrut - coffee addict
Krottebollig - messy-haired
Stoempstamper - potato masher
Boenker - person who is always right
Frigoboîte - lunchbox
Zjannetterig - whiny
Poepedoekske - small diaper
Krabberij - constant scratching
Loebassig - loutish
Zjeretteroker - cigarette smoker
Snottebelleke - little snotty nose
Kaffeedrinkert - coffee drinker
Boemeltje - small pub crawl
Stoeferke - little braggart
Zjattekesdieft - petty thief
Klappeiig - gossipy
Muurplakkerij - wallflower behavior
Zeverlapperij - nonsense talk
Patattenboer - potato farmer
Smoutebollenbakker - dough ball fryer
Kloefkapperke - little woodcutter
Tettentroosterij - bra shop
Sjampetterke - little rural policeman
Beezekeshoeder - pet sitter
Flosjerig - limp or weak
Kweddelaar - idle chatter
Spellekezot - game enthusiast
Zjusterig - precise
Facteurke - little postman
Braaiig - good-natured
Pottekeskramer - pot seller
Kadeikesgever - gift giver
Schoepzot - shovel enthusiast
Froefroetjes - little frills
Boemeltent - pub
Pottestamperij - mashed potato making
Zjatte - coffee (slang)
Snottebellig - snotty
Babbeleirke - little chatterbox
Stoempzot - mashed potato lover
Zwanzebroek - joker
Brollekeszot - umbrella enthusiast
Kiekefrethuis - chicken restaurant
Zieverlap - nonsense talker
Stoemeling - secretive person
Klapeikoppen - group of gossips
Zjatterij - theft
Smoefelbak - messy eater's plate
Boemelaarsclub - pub crawlers' club
Smeirlappig - dirty or messy
Kloefkappersmes - woodcutter's knife
Foefelaarster - female cheater
Kletsekopper - bald person
Poepeloereweg - road to nowhere
Vieze-vuile - very dirty person
Kramiekbakker - sweet bread baker
Zjanetterig - whiny
Sjampetterij - rural police station
Krotjeskwartier - neighborhood of small houses
Flosjepoot - weak leg
Kweddeltante - gossipy aunt
Spellekeszot - game enthusiast
Boenkerig - exact or precise
Stoefebroek - braggart
Zwanzekop - joker's head
Zjatten-en-loepen - steal and run
Patattenzotheid - potato obsession
Snottebelneus - runny nose
Krabberitis - itchiness
Loebassenhol - hangout for louts
Zjerettepeuker - cigarette butt
Muurplakkersstoel - wallflower's chair
Zeveraarskring - circle of nonsense talkers
Smoutebollenfestijn - dough ball feast
Klodderpotterij - messy situation
Stamineehopper - pub hopper
Plattekaaswinkel - cottage cheese shop
Zinnekesparade - mongrel dog parade
Sjoepapfabriek - pacifier factory
Foefeltruuk - cheating trick
Smoefelkous - messy eater
Zjattentrutteke - little coffee addict
Krottebolkam - comb for messy hair
Stoempstamperij - potato mashing place
Boenkologie - study of being right
Frigoboîtevuller - lunchbox filler
Zjannetteritis - chronic whining
Poepedoekwissel - diaper change
Krabbersgilde - scratchers' guild
Loebassigheid - loutishnes
Zjeretterookpauze - cigarette break
Snottebellendoekje - tissue for runny noses
Kaffeeslurper - coffee slurper
Boemelbus - party bus
Stoefkampioen - bragging champion
Zjattekesalarm - theft alarm
Klappeiradio - gossip radio
Muurplakkersballet - wallflower dance
Zeverlappenkrant - nonsense newspaper
Patattenboerderij - potato farm
Smoutebollenkraam - dough ball stand
Kloefkapperij - woodcutting business
Tettentroostwinkel - bra shop
Sjampetterfiets - rural police bicycle
Beezekesparadijs - pet paradise
Flosjepootrace - weak leg race
Kweddelcafé - chatty café
Spellekezolder - game attic
Zjusterigheidsmeter - precision meter
Facteurstasje - postman's bag
Braaiigheidstest - goodness test
Pottekesmarkt - pot market
Kadeikeswinkel - gift shop
Schoepzotterij - shovel enthusiasm
Froefroetjesmode - frilly fashion
Boemeltentstraat - pub street
Pottestamperswedstrijd - mashed potato making contest
Zjatteverslaving - coffee addiction
Snottebellenseizoen - runny nose season
Babbeleirscursus - chatting course
Stoempzotfestival - mashed potato lover's festival
Zwanzebroekencollectie - joker pants collection
Brollekeszotparade - umbrella enthusiast parade
Kiekefrethuis-keten - chicken restaurant chain
Zieverlappenkoor - nonsense talkers' choir
Stoemelingschool - school for secretive people
Klapeikoppenclub - gossips' club
Zjatterijverzekering - theft insurance
Smoefelbakkenset - set of messy eater's plates
Boemelaarsbuslijn - pub crawlers' bus line
Smeirlappigheidsgraad - degree of messiness
Kloefkappersmuseum - woodcutters' museum
Foefelaarshandboek - cheater's handbook
Kletsekopper-kapperszaak - bald person's barbershop
Poepeloerewegwijzer - sign to the middle of nowhere
Vieze-vuile-wasserij - laundromat for very dirty clothes
Kramiekbakwedstrijd - sweet bread baking contest
Zjanetterigheidstherapie - whining therapy
Sjampetterijarchief - rural police archive
Krotjeskwartierrenovatie - small house neighborhood renovation
Flosjepootgym - weak leg gymnasium
Kweddeltantetheekransje - gossipy aunt's tea party
Spellekeszotheidskliniek - game addiction clinic
Boenkerigheidstest - precision test
Stoefebroekenmodeshow - braggart pants fashion show
Zwanzekoppenposter - joker heads poster
Zjatten-en-loepwedstrijd - steal and run competition
Patattenzotheidsthermometer - potato obsession thermometer
Snottebelneusdoekje - runny nose handkerchief
Krabberitiszalf - anti-itch cream
Loebassenholjaarkaart - lout hangout annual pass
Zjerettepeukermuseum - cigarette butt museum
Muurplakkersstoelendans - wallflower chair dance
Zeveraarskringbijeenkomst - nonsense talkers' circle meeting
Smoutebollenfestijnticket - dough ball feast ticket
Klodderpotterijopruimservice - messy situation cleanup service
Stamineehoppersgids - pub hopper's guide
Plattekaaswinkelketen - cottage cheese shop chain
Zinnekesparadecomité - mongrel dog parade committee
Sjoepapfabriekarbeider - pacifier factory worker
Zjoemelaar - swindler
Kaffieklets - coffee chat
Boemkesdans - energetic dance
Stoempstamper - potato masher
Froefroezak - frilly bag
Zjannikken - to whine
Patattenboer - potato farmer
Kletsmadam - gossipy woman
Smikkelaar - gourmand
Zjattekeszot - coffee addict
Brollekesman - umbrella seller
Kiekefretter - chicken eater
Stoemelingske - little secret
Zieverlappenconcert - nonsense concert
Krabbelkous - scribbler
Loebassendans - lout's dance
Zjerettepeukeraar - cigarette butt collector
Smoutebollenbakker - dough ball baker
Klodderpotje - small mess
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#5 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 08:10
Zlobnyk (n.): A mischievous forest spirit
Kvasnyk (n.): A traditional fermented beverage
Priklonit (v.): To bow in respect
Voshchyna (n.): Beeswax used in folk remedies
Zlotnik (n.): A craftsman who works with gold
Borschovka (n.): A soup ladle made of wood
Kruchok (n.): A small hook used for intricate embroidery
Syrodavka (n.): A press used to make cheese
Hloptaty (v.): To gulp down quickly
Zhmurky (n.): A children's game similar to hide-and-seek
Kolobok (n.): A round, golden pastry in folklore
Vedmid (n.): A wise, old bear in legends
Skrypka (n.): A traditional stringed instrument
Horylka (n.): A strong, distilled alcoholic beverage
Kaptур (n.): A decorative headpiece worn by nobles
Ryshtovannya (n.): Scaffolding used in construction
Plakhta (n.): A traditional woven skirt
Korchma (n.): A roadside inn or tavern
Zhmenka (n.): A handful or small quantity
Hrymity (v.): To thunder or make a loud noise
Lyshtva (n.): Ornamental embroidery on sleeves
Kovalstvo (n.): The art of blacksmithing
Pysanka (n.): An intricately decorated egg
Horilka (n.): A type of grain alcohol
Yatrushka (n.): A small, round bread with a dimple
Korovai (n.): A ceremonial wedding bread
Trembita (n.): A long wooden alpine horn
Kurhany (n.): Ancient burial mounds
Skrynya (n.): A decorated wooden chest for storing valuables
Vyshyvanka (n.): A traditional embroidered shirt
Rusalka (n.): A mythical water nymph
Hopak (n.): An energetic traditional dance
Bandura (n.): A multi-stringed folk instrument
Kozak (n.): A free warrior of the steppes
Svitlytsia (n.): The main room in a traditional house
Rushnik (n.): A ritual embroidered towel
Kachka (n.): A small, round pastry filled with fruit
Perelesnyk (n.): A shape-shifting forest spirit
Horodyshche (n.): An ancient fortified settlement
Kolomiyka (n.): A fast-paced folk dance and music style
Zhaburnyk (n.): A shallow pond for frogs
Kurhuzyi (adj.): Short and stocky in build
Volosozhar (n.): A mythical creature with hair of fire
Pidkova (n.): A horseshoe, often used as a lucky charm
Spivomovka (n.): A rhythmic, sing-song saying
Korchuvannya (n.): The act of uprooting trees
Zhabotynnya (n.): The croaking of frogs
Lystopад (n.): The falling of leaves in autumn
Motrya (v.): To observe carefully or keep watch
Knyhar (n.): A bookbinder or bookseller
Vyriy (n.): A mythical warm land where birds migrate
Zavorozhyty (v.): To enchant or bewitch
Holodomor (n.): A great famine or hunger
Pobratyм (n.): A sworn brother or close male friend
Vedmedyk (n.): A small, bear-shaped pastry
Zhyvets (n.): A natural spring or source of water
Kolyada (n.): A traditional winter holiday song
Svitanok (n.): The first light of dawn
Rozbуshaka (n.): A mischievous troublemaker
Khrushch (n.): A May beetle, often associated with spring
Zolotavka (n.): A golden-colored mushroom
Shchedrivka (n.): A New Year's Eve carol
Vуhoida (n.): A convenient arrangement or situation
Povitrуa (n.): The air or atmosphere
Zmiуuka (n.): A small, harmless snake
Kovalenko (n.): Son of a blacksmith (surname)
Lelechа (n.): A stork's nest
Mriуa (n.): A dream or aspiration
Chornozem (n.): Rich, black soil
Zhuravlyna (n.): Cranberry
Horilych (n.): A drink to cure a hangover
Zozulуa (n.): A cuckoo bird
Blyskavka (n.): A flash of lightning
Korchmаr (n.): An innkeeper
Vesnyanka (n.): A spring song or dance
Sontsesуaivo (n.): Sunlight or sunshine
Khуzhka (n.): A small hut or cabin
Zirnytsуa (n.): The morning star
Vovkulаka (n.): A werewolf in folklore
Perepichka (n.): A type of fried bread
Mriyaty (v.): To daydream or fantasize
Vоhnyshche (n.): A bonfire or campfire
Zolotаr (n.): A goldsmith
Kоlotyty (v.): To stir or agitate
Lisоvyk (n.): A forest spirit or woodland creature
Bоrshchivnyk (n.): A large, invasive plant species
Khмilnyk (n.): A hop garden
Zаhovoryny (n.): A spell or incantation
Kоzubеnko (n.): A basket weaver (surname)
Vоdyanyk (n.): A water spirit in folklore
Sоntsеkvit (n.): A sunflower
Zоlоtоtkanyna (n.): Cloth woven with gold thread
Kоrоvаi (n.): A traditional wedding bread
Vіtrоhіn (n.): A weathervane
Zоrеpаd (n.): A meteor shower
Knyаzhych (n.): A young prince
Vоrоzhbyt (n.): A fortune teller or soothsayer
Lіsоsplаv (n.): The act of floating logs down a river
Zоzulеnchyk (n.): An orphaned child
Kоbzаr (n.): A wandering bard or minstrel
Vеsnyanky (n.): Freckles that appear in spring
Zаmоvlyаnnya (n.): A folk healing ritual
Kоlоmyikа (n.): A folk dance with a quick tempo
Vоdоhіn (n.): An aqueduct or water conduit
Zоlоtоvust (n.): An eloquent speaker
Kоzаtstvо (n.): The Cossack way of life
Vіnkоplеtіnnya (n.): The art of weaving flower crowns
Zоrеslаv (n.): One who glorifies the stars (name)
Knyhоzbirnya (n.): A library or book collection
Vоdоsvyattya (n.): A water blessing ceremony
Zоlоtоrіh (n.): A mythical creature with golden horns
Kоrchаhа (n.): A large earthenware jug
Vіtrоvіy (n.): A wind spirit
Zоryanytsya (n.): The evening star
Kоlyadnyk (n.): A caroler during winter holidays
Vоhnеbоrеts (n.): A firefighter
Zеmlеrоb (n.): A farmer or tiller of the soil
Knyаzhna (n.): A princess
Vоdоspаd (n.): A waterfall
Zоlоtоmоvеts (n.): A gifted orator
Kоzаchоk (n.): A lively folk dance
Vіtrоhlаd (n.): A wind-smoothed rock
Zоrеtsvіt (n.): A rare night-blooming flower
Lіsоvоdstvо (n.): The practice of forestry
Knyhorуkh (n.): A book fair or literary festival
Vоdоlаz (n.): A diver or underwater explorer
Zоlоtоbеrеh (n.): A golden shore or beach
Kоrchоplаv (n.): A raft made of tree stumps
Vіtrоlаm (n.): A windbreak or shelter from wind
Zоrеlоv (n.): A stargazer or astronomer
Knyhоlуub (n.): A bibliophile or book lover
Vоdоsvіt (n.): The reflection of light on water
Zоlоtоkоsа (n.): A golden-haired woman
Kоzоpаs (n.): A goatherd
Vіtrоkрyl (n.): A wind-powered vehicle
Zоrеnоsеts (n.): A celestial being or star-bearer
Lіsоspіv (n.): The collective sound of a forest
Knyаzіvstvо (n.): A principality or duchy
Vоdоkrut (n.): A whirlpool or eddy
Zоlоtоzub (n.): A person with a gold tooth
Kоrchаhоlоv (n.): A skilled pot maker
Vіtrоdуm (n.): A wind-powered musical instrument
Zоrеpіs (n.): The art of painting stars
Knyhоdrуuk (n.): The art of book printing
Vоdоchаs (n.): A water clock or clepsydra
Zоlоtоdzвіn (n.): The sound of golden bells
Kоzаchеnkо (n.): Son of a Cossack (surname)
Vіtrоhrаy (n.): A playful breeze
Zоrеslуukh (n.): The ability to hear stars (mythical)
Lіsоzаkhyst (n.): Forest conservation
Knyаzоhrаd (n.): A princely city or capital
Vоdоnоshа (n.): A water carrier
Zоlоtоtsвіt (n.): A golden-colored flower
Kоrchоvіz (n.): A cart for transporting uprooted stumps
Vіtrоlеt (n.): A glider or wind-powered aircraft
Zоrеmаp (n.): A star map or celestial chart
Knyhоzbеrеzhеnnya (n.): Book preservation
Vоdоsіch (n.): The act of cutting through water
Zоlоtоrуunо (n.): The golden fleece (mythological)
Kоzаkоlуub (n.): An admirer of Cossack culture
Vіtrоspіv (n.): The whistling of the wind
Zоrеbаchеnnya (n.): Stargazing or astronomy
Lіsоmеdоnоs (n.): A forest honey-bearing plant
Knyаzоnаstуupnyk (n.): A prince's heir or successor
Vоdоhrаy (n.): A fountain or water feature
Zоlоtоplуuh (n.): A golden plow (often ceremonial)
Kоrchоvyshchе (n.): A field of uprooted stumps
Vіtrоbіy (n.): A strong, gusty wind
Zоrеpаdаr (n.): One who studies meteor showers
Knyhоskhоvyshchе (n.): A book repository or archive
Vоdоzаkhyst (n.): Water protection or conservation
Zоlоtоkоvаl (n.): A goldsmith specializing in forging
Kоzаkоznаvеts (n.): A scholar of Cossack history
Vіtrоvkаz (n.): A wind indicator or weather vane
Zоrеkrеslеnnya (n.): The art of drawing constellations
Lіsоstеp (n.): A forest-steppe transitional zone
Knyаzооkhоrоnеts (n.): A prince's bodyguard
Vоdоlіkуuvаnnya (n.): Water therapy or hydrotherapy
Zоlоtоvуusіst (n.): A person with a golden mustache
Kоrchоpаl (n.): A tool for burning tree stumps
Vіtrоlоm (n.): A windbreak or storm damage in a forest
Zоrеzнаvеts (n.): An expert in celestial navigation
Knyhоnоshа (n.): A book carrier or mobile librarian
Vоdоchyn (n.): The force or action of flowing water
Zоlоtоstруun (n.): A golden stream or current
Kоzаtstvоznаvstvо (n.): The study of Cossack culture
Vіtrоlоvеts (n.): A wind catcher or turbine
Zоrеpоklоnnyk (n.): A star worshipper
Lіsоrоzвеdеnnya (n.): The cultivation of forests
Knyаzоslуuzhnyk (n.): A servant to a prince
Vоdоvіdvіd (n.): A water drainage system
Zоlоtоshуukаch (n.): A gold prospector
Kоrchоmyst (n.): A bridge made of tree stumps
Vіtrоpіsоk (n.): Wind-blown sand
Zоrеsyaynіst (n.): The brightness or luminosity of stars
Knyhоpysаr (n.): A scribe or book copyist
Vоdоvymіr (n.): A device for measuring water flow
Zоlоtоzеrno (n.): A grain of gold
Kоzаkоspіv (n.): A Cossack song or chant
Vіtrоrіz (n.): A wind-cutting design
Zоrеsіyvo (n.): The glow of starlight
Lіsоsаd (n.): An orchard within a forest
Knyаzоmysl (n.): A prince's advisor or counselor
Vоdоkаmіn (n.): A water-worn stone
Zоlоtоlyst (n.): A tree with golden leaves
Kоrchоrіz (n.): A tool for cutting tree stumps
Vіtrоhоn (n.): A wind-powered vehicle
Zоrеkvіt (n.): A star-shaped flower
Knyhоzнаvеts (n.): A bibliographer or book expert
Vоdоrіz (n.): The bow of a ship that cuts through water
Zоlоtоdзвіn (n.): The ringing of golden bells
Kоzаkоrіd (n.): A Cossack lineage or family
Vіtrоvіsт (n.): A wind messenger or spirit
Zоrеsаd (n.): A metaphorical garden of stars
Lіsоzhytеl (n.): A forest dweller
Knyаzоhоrоd (n.): A prince's fortified town
Vоdоsуum (n.): The sound of rushing water
Zоlоtоkryl (n.): A creature with golden wings
Kоrchоplеt (n.): A craftsman who weaves with tree roots
Vіtrоzміy (n.): A wind-shaped snake-like cloud
Zоrеpіsnя (n.): A song about stars
Knyhоskhоv (n.): A hidden book storage
Vоdоhray (n.): A playful water feature or fountain
Zоlоtоrіch (n.): A river with gold deposits
Kоzаkоlаd (n.): The Cossack social order
Vіtrоvіy (n.): A wind-blown snowdrift
Zоrеnоchlіh (n.): Sleeping under the stars
Lіsоspаs (n.): A forest rescue service
Knyаzоvоlya (n.): A prince's will or decree
Vоdоkrаy (n.): The edge of a body of water
Zоlоtоsіch (n.): Th
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#6 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 08:45
Zlobnyk (n.): A mischievous forest spirit
Kvasnyk (n.): A traditional fermented beverage
Priklonit (v.): To bow in respect
Voshchyna (n.): Beeswax used in folk remedies
Zlotnik (n.): A craftsman who works with gold
Borschovka (n.): A soup ladle made of wood
Kruchok (n.): A small hook used for intricate embroidery
Syrodavka (n.): A press used to make cheese
Hloptaty (v.): To gulp down quickly
Zhmurky (n.): A children's game similar to hide-and-seek
Kolobok (n.): A round, golden pastry in folklore
Vedmid (n.): A wise, old bear in legends
Skrypka (n.): A traditional stringed instrument
Horylka (n.): A strong, distilled alcoholic beverage
Kaptур (n.): A decorative headpiece worn by nobles
Ryshtovannya (n.): Scaffolding used in construction
Plakhta (n.): A traditional woven skirt
Korchma (n.): A roadside inn or tavern
Zhmenka (n.): A handful or small quantity
Hrymity (v.): To thunder or make a loud noise
Lyshtva (n.): Ornamental embroidery on sleeves
Kovalstvo (n.): The art of blacksmithing
Pysanka (n.): An intricately decorated egg
Horilka (n.): A type of grain alcohol
Yatrushka (n.): A small, round bread with a dimple
Korovai (n.): A ceremonial wedding bread
Trembita (n.): A long wooden alpine horn
Kurhany (n.): Ancient burial mounds
Skrynya (n.): A decorated wooden chest for storing valuables
Vyshyvanka (n.): A traditional embroidered shirt
Rusalka (n.): A mythical water nymph
Hopak (n.): An energetic traditional dance
Bandura (n.): A multi-stringed folk instrument
Kozak (n.): A free warrior of the steppes
Svitlytsia (n.): The main room in a traditional house
Rushnik (n.): A ritual embroidered towel
Kachka (n.): A small, round pastry filled with fruit
Perelesnyk (n.): A shape-shifting forest spirit
Horodyshche (n.): An ancient fortified settlement
Kolomiyka (n.): A fast-paced folk dance and music style
Zhaburnyk (n.): A shallow pond for frogs
Kurhuzyi (adj.): Short and stocky in build
Volosozhar (n.): A mythical creature with hair of fire
Pidkova (n.): A horseshoe, often used as a lucky charm
Spivomovka (n.): A rhythmic, sing-song saying
Korchuvannya (n.): The act of uprooting trees
Zhabotynnya (n.): The croaking of frogs
Lystopад (n.): The falling of leaves in autumn
Motrya (v.): To observe carefully or keep watch
Knyhar (n.): A bookbinder or bookseller
Vyriy (n.): A mythical warm land where birds migrate
Zavorozhyty (v.): To enchant or bewitch
Holodomor (n.): A great famine or hunger
Pobratyм (n.): A sworn brother or close male friend
Vedmedyk (n.): A small, bear-shaped pastry
Zhyvets (n.): A natural spring or source of water
Kolyada (n.): A traditional winter holiday song
Svitanok (n.): The first light of dawn
Rozbуshaka (n.): A mischievous troublemaker
Khrushch (n.): A May beetle, often associated with spring
Zolotavka (n.): A golden-colored mushroom
Shchedrivka (n.): A New Year's Eve carol
Vуhoida (n.): A convenient arrangement or situation
Povitrуa (n.): The air or atmosphere
Zmiуuka (n.): A small, harmless snake
Kovalenko (n.): Son of a blacksmith (surname)
Lelechа (n.): A stork's nest
Mriуa (n.): A dream or aspiration
Chornozem (n.): Rich, black soil
Zhuravlyna (n.): Cranberry
Horilych (n.): A drink to cure a hangover
Zozulуa (n.): A cuckoo bird
Blyskavka (n.): A flash of lightning
Korchmаr (n.): An innkeeper
Vesnyanka (n.): A spring song or dance
Sontsesуaivo (n.): Sunlight or sunshine
Khуzhka (n.): A small hut or cabin
Zirnytsуa (n.): The morning star
Vovkulаka (n.): A werewolf in folklore
Perepichka (n.): A type of fried bread
Mriyaty (v.): To daydream or fantasize
Vоhnyshche (n.): A bonfire or campfire
Zolotаr (n.): A goldsmith
Kоlotyty (v.): To stir or agitate
Lisоvyk (n.): A forest spirit or woodland creature
Bоrshchivnyk (n.): A large, invasive plant species
Khмilnyk (n.): A hop garden
Zаhovoryny (n.): A spell or incantation
Kоzubеnko (n.): A basket weaver (surname)
Vоdyanyk (n.): A water spirit in folklore
Sоntsеkvit (n.): A sunflower
Zоlоtоtkanyna (n.): Cloth woven with gold thread
Kоrоvаi (n.): A traditional wedding bread
Vіtrоhіn (n.): A weathervane
Zоrеpаd (n.): A meteor shower
Knyаzhych (n.): A young prince
Vоrоzhbyt (n.): A fortune teller or soothsayer
Lіsоsplаv (n.): The act of floating logs down a river
Zоzulеnchyk (n.): An orphaned child
Kоbzаr (n.): A wandering bard or minstrel
Vеsnyanky (n.): Freckles that appear in spring
Zаmоvlyаnnya (n.): A folk healing ritual
Kоlоmyikа (n.): A folk dance with a quick tempo
Vоdоhіn (n.): An aqueduct or water conduit
Zоlоtоvust (n.): An eloquent speaker
Kоzаtstvо (n.): The Cossack way of life
Vіnkоplеtіnnya (n.): The art of weaving flower crowns
Zоrеslаv (n.): One who glorifies the stars (name)
Knyhоzbirnya (n.): A library or book collection
Vоdоsvyattya (n.): A water blessing ceremony
Zоlоtоrіh (n.): A mythical creature with golden horns
Kоrchаhа (n.): A large earthenware jug
Vіtrоvіy (n.): A wind spirit
Zоryanytsya (n.): The evening star
Kоlyadnyk (n.): A caroler during winter holidays
Vоhnеbоrеts (n.): A firefighter
Zеmlеrоb (n.): A farmer or tiller of the soil
Knyаzhna (n.): A princess
Vоdоspаd (n.): A waterfall
Zоlоtоmоvеts (n.): A gifted orator
Kоzаchоk (n.): A lively folk dance
Vіtrоhlаd (n.): A wind-smoothed rock
Zоrеtsvіt (n.): A rare night-blooming flower
Lіsоvоdstvо (n.): The practice of forestry
Knyhorуkh (n.): A book fair or literary festival
Vоdоlаz (n.): A diver or underwater explorer
Zоlоtоbеrеh (n.): A golden shore or beach
Kоrchоplаv (n.): A raft made of tree stumps
Vіtrоlаm (n.): A windbreak or shelter from wind
Zоrеlоv (n.): A stargazer or astronomer
Knyhоlуub (n.): A bibliophile or book lover
Vоdоsvіt (n.): The reflection of light on water
Zоlоtоkоsа (n.): A golden-haired woman
Kоzоpаs (n.): A goatherd
Vіtrоkрyl (n.): A wind-powered vehicle
Zоrеnоsеts (n.): A celestial being or star-bearer
Lіsоspіv (n.): The collective sound of a forest
Knyаzіvstvо (n.): A principality or duchy
Vоdоkrut (n.): A whirlpool or eddy
Zоlоtоzub (n.): A person with a gold tooth
Kоrchаhоlоv (n.): A skilled pot maker
Vіtrоdуm (n.): A wind-powered musical instrument
Zоrеpіs (n.): The art of painting stars
Knyhоdrуuk (n.): The art of book printing
Vоdоchаs (n.): A water clock or clepsydra
Zоlоtоdzвіn (n.): The sound of golden bells
Kоzаchеnkо (n.): Son of a Cossack (surname)
Vіtrоhrаy (n.): A playful breeze
Zоrеslуukh (n.): The ability to hear stars (mythical)
Lіsоzаkhyst (n.): Forest conservation
Knyаzоhrаd (n.): A princely city or capital
Vоdоnоshа (n.): A water carrier
Zоlоtоtsвіt (n.): A golden-colored flower
Kоrchоvіz (n.): A cart for transporting uprooted stumps
Vіtrоlеt (n.): A glider or wind-powered aircraft
Zоrеmаp (n.): A star map or celestial chart
Knyhоzbеrеzhеnnya (n.): Book preservation
Vоdоsіch (n.): The act of cutting through water
Zоlоtоrуunо (n.): The golden fleece (mythological)
Kоzаkоlуub (n.): An admirer of Cossack culture
Vіtrоspіv (n.): The whistling of the wind
Zоrеbаchеnnya (n.): Stargazing or astronomy
Lіsоmеdоnоs (n.): A forest honey-bearing plant
Knyаzоnаstуupnyk (n.): A prince's heir or successor
Vоdоhrаy (n.): A fountain or water feature
Zоlоtоplуuh (n.): A golden plow (often ceremonial)
Kоrchоvyshchе (n.): A field of uprooted stumps
Vіtrоbіy (n.): A strong, gusty wind
Zоrеpаdаr (n.): One who studies meteor showers
Knyhоskhоvyshchе (n.): A book repository or archive
Vоdоzаkhyst (n.): Water protection or conservation
Zоlоtоkоvаl (n.): A goldsmith specializing in forging
Kоzаkоznаvеts (n.): A scholar of Cossack history
Vіtrоvkаz (n.): A wind indicator or weather vane
Zоrеkrеslеnnya (n.): The art of drawing constellations
Lіsоstеp (n.): A forest-steppe transitional zone
Knyаzооkhоrоnеts (n.): A prince's bodyguard
Vоdоlіkуuvаnnya (n.): Water therapy or hydrotherapy
Zоlоtоvуusіst (n.): A person with a golden mustache
Kоrchоpаl (n.): A tool for burning tree stumps
Vіtrоlоm (n.): A windbreak or storm damage in a forest
Zоrеzнаvеts (n.): An expert in celestial navigation
Knyhоnоshа (n.): A book carrier or mobile librarian
Vоdоchyn (n.): The force or action of flowing water
Zоlоtоstруun (n.): A golden stream or current
Kоzаtstvоznаvstvо (n.): The study of Cossack culture
Vіtrоlоvеts (n.): A wind catcher or turbine
Zоrеpоklоnnyk (n.): A star worshipper
Lіsоrоzвеdеnnya (n.): The cultivation of forests
Knyаzоslуuzhnyk (n.): A servant to a prince
Vоdоvіdvіd (n.): A water drainage system
Zоlоtоshуukаch (n.): A gold prospector
Kоrchоmyst (n.): A bridge made of tree stumps
Vіtrоpіsоk (n.): Wind-blown sand
Zоrеsyaynіst (n.): The brightness or luminosity of stars
Knyhоpysаr (n.): A scribe or book copyist
Vоdоvymіr (n.): A device for measuring water flow
Zоlоtоzеrno (n.): A grain of gold
Kоzаkоspіv (n.): A Cossack song or chant
Zоrеsіyvo (n.): The glow of starlight
Lіsоsаd (n.): An orchard within a forest
Knyаzоmysl (n.): A prince's advisor or counselor
Vоdоkаmіn (n.): A water-worn stone
Zоlоtоlyst (n.): A tree with golden leaves
Kоrchоrіz (n.): A tool for cutting tree stumps
Vіtrоhоn (n.): A wind-powered vehicle
Zоrеkvіt (n.): A star-shaped flower
Knyhоzнаvеts (n.): A bibliographer or book expert
Vоdоrіz (n.): The bow of a ship that cuts through water
Zоlоtоdзвіn (n.): The ringing of golden bells
Kоzаkоrіd (n.): A Cossack lineage or family
Vіtrоvіsт (n.): A wind messenger or spirit
Zоrеsаd (n.): A metaphorical garden of stars
Lіsоzhytеl (n.): A forest dweller
Knyаzоhоrоd (n.): A prince's fortified town
Vоdоsуum (n.): The sound of rushing water
Zоlоtоkryl (n.): A creature with golden wings
Kоrchоplеt (n.): A craftsman who weaves with tree roots
Vіtrоzміy (n.): A wind-shaped snake-like cloud
Zоrеpіsnя (n.): A song about stars
Knyhоskhоv (n.): A hidden book storage
Vоdоhray (n.): A playful water feature or fountain
Zоlоtоrіch (n.): A river with gold deposits
Kоzаkоlаd (n.): The Cossack social order
Vіtrоvіy (n.): A wind-blown snowdrift
Zоrеnоchlіh (n.): Sleeping under the stars
Lіsоspаs (n.): A forest rescue service
Knyаzоvоlya (n.): A prince's will or decree
Vоdоkrаy (n.): The edge of a body of water
Zоlоtоsіch (n.): The harvest
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#7 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 09:46
Syldavian Grammar
I. Phonology

p, b, t, d, k, g, f, v, s, z, sh, zh, ts, ch, m, n, l, r, y
Palatalized consonants: p', b', t', d', k', g', f', v', s', z', m', n', l', r'
a, e, i, o, u, y (ы)
Generally on the first syllable, with some exceptions, particularly in borrowed words.

II. Noun System

Genders: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter
Numbers: Singular and Plural

Nominative (Nom): subject
Accusative (Acc): direct object
Genitive (Gen): possession
Dative (Dat): indirect object
Instrumental (Inst): means by which
Locative (Loc): location
Vocative (Voc): addressing

Declension Patterns:

Masculine (ending in consonant):
Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | knaz | knazi
Acc | knaza | knaziv
Gen | knaza | knaziv
Dat | knazu | knazam
Inst | knazom | knazami
Loc | knazi | knazakh
Voc | knaze | knazi
Feminine (ending in -a):
Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | zhena | zheny
Acc | zhenu | zheny
Gen | zheny | zhen
Dat | zheni | zhenam
Inst | zhenoyu | zhenami
Loc | zheni | zhenakh
Voc | zheno | zheny
Neuter (ending in -o or -e):
Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | selo | sela
Acc | selo | sela
Gen | sela | sel
Dat | selu | selam
Inst | selom | selami
Loc | seli | selakh
Voc | selo | sela
III. Adjectives

Agreement: Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number, and case.
Declension (Hard stem adjective "novyi" - new):

Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | novyi | novye
Acc | novogo | novykh
Gen | novogo | novykh
Dat | novomu | novym
Inst | novym | novymi
Loc | novom | novykh
Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | novaya | novye
Acc | novuyu | novykh
Gen | novoy | novykh
Dat | novoy | novym
Inst | novoyu | novymi
Loc | novoy | novykh
Case | Singular | Plural
Nom | novoe | novye
Acc | novoe | novykh
Gen | novogo | novykh
Dat | novomu | novym
Inst | novym | novymi
Loc | novom | novykh


Comparative: add suffix -ish (novyi → novish)
Superlative: add prefix nay- (novyi → naynovish)

IV. Pronouns

Personal Pronouns:
ya (I), ty (you), vin (he), vona (she), vono (it), my (we), vy (you pl.), vony (they)
Possessive Pronouns:
miy (my), tviy (your), yoho (his), yiyi (her), nashe (our), vashe (your pl.), yikhne (their)
Demonstrative Pronouns:
tsey (this), toy (that)
Relative Pronouns:
kotoryi (which, who)
Interrogative Pronouns:
khto (who), shcho (what), yakyi (which)

V. Verb System

Aspects: Perfective and Imperfective
Tenses: Present, Past, Future
Moods: Indicative, Conditional, Imperative
Voice: Active and Passive
Conjugation Patterns:

-aty verbs (imperfective "chytaty" - to read):
Person | Present | Past | Future
1s | chytayu | chytav | budu chytaty
2s | chytayesh| chytav | budesh chytaty
3s | chytaye | chytav | bude chytaty
1p | chytayemo| chytaly | budemo chytaty
2p | chytayete| chytaly | budete chytaty
3p | chytayut | chytaly | budut chytaty
-yty verbs (perfective "kupyty" - to buy):
Person | Present | Past | Future
1s | kuplyu | kupyv | kuplyu
2s | kupysh | kupyv | kupysh
3s | kupyt | kupyv | kupyt
1p | kupymo | kupyly | kupymo
2p | kupyte | kupyly | kupyte
3p | kuplyat | kupyly | kuplyat


Present Active: chytayuchyi (reading)
Past Active: chytavshyi (having read)
Present Passive: chytanyi (being read)
Past Passive: prochytanyi (having been read)

Gerund: chytayuchy (while reading)

VI. Syntax

Basic word order: SVO (Subject-Verb-Object)
Flexible due to case system
Pro-drop language (subject pronouns often omitted)

VII. Negation

Use of "ne" before verbs: Ya ne chytayu (I don't read)
Double negation: Nikhto nichoho ne bachyv (Nobody saw nothing)

VIII. Questions

Question words: khto, shcho, de, koly, chomu
Yes/No questions formed by intonation or particle "chy"

IX. Aspect Usage

Imperfective for ongoing or habitual actions: Ya chytayu shchodnya (I read every day)
Perfective for completed actions: Ya prochytav knyhu (I finished reading the book)

X. Verbal Prefixes
Add prefixes to modify meaning and often change aspect:

chytaty (to read) → prochytaty (to read through)
pysaty (to write) → zapysaty (to write down)

XI. Diminutives and Augmentatives
Use suffixes to express size or affection:

knyha (book) → knyzhechka (little book)
dim (house) → domyshche (big house)

XII. Formal vs. Informal Address
Use "ty" for informal singular, "vy" for formal or plural.
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#8 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 13:59
I'll give the Syldavian sentence, followed by a literal translation and then an idiomatic English translation.

Basic sentence structure (SVO):
Syldavian: Knyaz chytaye knyhu.
Literal: Prince reads book.
English: The prince is reading a book.
Case usage:
Syldavian: Ya dav knyhu knazu.
Literal: I gave book prince-DAT.
English: I gave the book to the prince.
Aspect (Imperfective vs. Perfective):
Syldavian: Ya chytav knyhu dvi hodyny. (Imperfective)
Literal: I read book two hours.
English: I was reading the book for two hours.

Syldavian: Ya prochytav knyhu za dvi hodyny. (Perfective)
Literal: I through-read book in two hours.
English: I read the book in two hours.

Adjective agreement:
Syldavian: Novyi knyaz zhyve u velykomu zamku.
Literal: New-MASC prince lives in big-MASC.LOC castle-LOC.
English: The new prince lives in a big castle.
Pronoun usage:
Syldavian: Vona dala yomu svoyu knyhu.
Literal: She gave him her book.
English: She gave him her book.
Question formation:
Syldavian: De zhyve novyi knyaz?
Literal: Where lives new prince?
English: Where does the new prince live?
Syldavian: Nikhto ne bachyv knyaza.
Literal: Nobody not saw prince-ACC.
English: Nobody saw the prince.
Imperative mood:
Syldavian: Chytay knyhu!
Literal: Read-IMP book!
English: Read the book!
Conditional mood:
Syldavian: Yakby ya buv knazem, ya by zhyv u zamku.
Literal: If-COND I was prince-INST, I COND lived in castle-LOC.
English: If I were a prince, I would live in a castle.
Reflexive verbs:
Syldavian: Vona myetsya shchodnya.
Literal: She washes-REFL every day.
English: She washes herself every day.
Verbal prefix changing meaning:
Syldavian: Vin napysav lyst. (completed action)
Literal: He on-wrote letter.
English: He wrote the letter.

Syldavian: Vin pereрysav lyst. (wrote again)
Literal: He re-wrote letter.
English: He rewrote the letter.

Diminutive usage:
Syldavian: Malenkyi knyzok chytav knyzhechku.
Literal: Little prince-DIM read book-DIM.
English: The little prince was reading a little book.
Participle usage:
Syldavian: Chytayuchyi knyhu, vin zasnuv.
Literal: Reading book, he fell-asleep.
English: While reading the book, he fell asleep.
Aspect in future tense:
Syldavian: Ya budu chytaty tsyu knyhu. (Imperfective future)
Literal: I will read this book.
English: I will be reading this book.

Syldavian: Ya prochytayu tsyu knyhu. (Perfective future)
Literal: I through-read this book.
English: I will read this book (to completion).
These examples demonstrate various grammatical features of Syldavian, including case usage, aspect, agreement, mood, and more. Would you like me to explain any of these examples in more detail or provide more examples of a specific grammatical feature? CopyRetryUat the beginning of first word generation thread , you gave more syldavian like words , now it looks slavic more EditI apologize for the inconsistency. You're right that the earlier words had a more unique Syldavian flavor, while the recent examples have leaned more heavily on Slavic influences. Let's adjust our approach to create a more distinctive Syldavian language that's consistent with our earlier word generation. I'll provide some examples using words and structures more in line with the original Syldavian style:

Basic sentence structure:
Syldavian: Knyazhych zlobnyka vidav.
Literal: Prince mischievous-spirit saw.
English: The prince saw a mischievous spirit.
Case usage:
Syldavian: Zlotnik korovayu knyazhychu daruvav.
Literal: Goldsmith ceremonial-bread prince-DAT gifted.
English: The goldsmith gifted ceremonial bread to the prince.
Aspect (Imperfective vs. Perfective):
Syldavian: Kvasnya borshchovku zhmenkamy napovnyuvala. (Imperfective)
Literal: Fermentation-barrel soup-ladle handfuls-INST was-filling.
English: The fermentation barrel was filling the soup ladle by handfuls.

Syldavian: Kvasnya borshchovku napovnyla. (Perfective)
Literal: Fermentation-barrel soup-ladle filled.
English: The fermentation barrel filled the soup ladle.

Adjective agreement:
Syldavian: Kurhuzyi perelesnyk u zhaburnykovi meshkav.
Literal: Short-and-stocky shape-shifting-spirit in shallow-pond-LOC dwelled.
English: The short and stocky shape-shifting spirit dwelled in the shallow pond.
Question formation:
Syldavian: Де volosozhar zorepada vidav?
Literal: Where hair-of-fire-creature meteor-shower saw?
English: Where did the hair-of-fire creature see the meteor shower?
Syldavian: Zhabotynnya ne hrymilo u vyriy.
Literal: Frog-croaking not thundered in mythical-warm-land.
English: The frog croaking didn't thunder in the mythical warm land.
Imperative mood:
Syldavian: Korovay pryklonit!
Literal: Ceremonial-bread bow-IMP!
English: Bow to the ceremonial bread!
Conditional mood:
Syldavian: Yakby zlotnik buv, zolototkanyna tkav by.
Literal: If-COND goldsmith was, gold-cloth weave COND.
English: If I were a goldsmith, I would weave cloth of gold.
Reflexive verbs:
Syldavian: Vedmid u zhaburnykovi kupavsia.
Literal: Bear in shallow-pond bathed-REFL.
English: The bear bathed itself in the shallow pond.
Diminutive usage:
Syldavian: Malyi zlobnychok borshchovochku nese.
Literal: Little mischievous-spirit-DIM soup-ladle-DIM carries.
English: The little mischievous spirit is carrying a tiny soup ladle.

These examples maintain a more distinctive Syldavian flavor while still following the grammatical structure we established. The vocabulary and constructions are more unique and less slavic oriented
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#9 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 18:49
I understand you're asking me to create additional words in a style similar to the ones provided, using frequent letters that would be found in the fictional Syldavian language. I'll do my best to generate some new words following the patterns I observe in the given list. Here are some new Syldavian-style words with their English meanings:
Zlobnyk - Fortress
Kraptor - Warrior
Ysztvak - Valley
Plimzor - Summit
Vrodnek - Companion
Klemfor - Metalworker
Szpudnik - Comet
Yzbrol - Woodland
Flötznir - Harmony
Gzernyk - Timeless
Skrobmak - Trader
Platzvyr - Gathering
Zorkest - Insight
Klobnik - Protector
Vreznyik - Tempest
Szpodnak - Crossing
Yklump - Illumination
Drobznek - Cultivator
Zylbrox - Precious metal
Kvornyek - Scroll
These words follow patterns I observed in the original list, such as:

Using consonant clusters like "zl", "kr", "sz", "vr"
Incorporating letters like "y" and "z" frequently
Ending words with consonants like "k", "r", or "t"
Using suffixes like "-nek", "-for", "-mak", "-nyk"

Remember, I generated these based on patterns in the provided list, but I can't guarantee they follow the exact rules of the fictional Syldavian language. If you need more words or have specific criteria, please let me know .I'll create a basic grammar system for the Syldavian language based on the patterns observed in the word list. This grammar will cover phonology, morphology, and some basic syntax rules.
Syldavian Grammar:


Consonants: b, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, z, sz, pl, kl, vr, fl, gz, sk, zl, kr
Vowels: a, e, i, o, u, y, ö

Syllable Structure:

Common patterns: CVC, CVCC, CCVC, CCVCC (C = consonant, V = vowel)
Allow consonant clusters at the beginning and end of words

Word Formation:

Roots are typically one or two syllables
Prefixes and suffixes are used to modify meaning


No grammatical gender
Plural formed by adding -ik (e.g., kraptor → kraptorik)

Nominative: unmarked
Accusative: add -ak (e.g., kraptor → kraptorak)
Genitive: add -ov (e.g., kraptor → kraptorov)
Dative: add -em (e.g., kraptor → kraptorem)


Placed before nouns
Agree with nouns in number
Comparative: add -or (e.g., gzernyk → gzernykor)
Superlative: add -est (e.g., gzernyk → gzernykest)


Infinitive ends in -at (e.g., zlobn-at - to fortify)
Present tense:

1st person: -am (zlobnam)
2nd person: -as (zlobnas)
3rd person: -a (zlobna)

Past tense: add -il (zlobnil)
Future tense: add -uz (zlobnuz)
Imperative: use the root (zlobn!)


I: mi
You: tu
He/She/It: on
We: nis
You (plural): vus
They: oni


In: vo
On: na
To: ku
From: iz
With: sza

Word Order:

Basic order: Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
Adjectives precede nouns
Adverbs typically follow verbs


One: yed
Two: dva
Three: tri
Four: czet
Five: piat
Ten: des

Question Formation:

Yes/No questions: Add "czi" at the beginning of the sentence
Wh-questions: Use question words (kto - who, czo - what, gde - where) at the beginning of the sentence

Example sentence:
"The brave warrior defends the ancient fortress."
"Krapvor vrodnek zlobna gzernyk zlobnykak."
This grammar system is a basic framework based on the patterns in the word list you provided. It's designed to be consistent with the existing words while providing a structure for forming new words and sentences. You can expand or modify this system as needed for your purposes. I'll expand on the verb system for Syldavian, providing more detailed information on tenses and conjugations.
Syldavian Verb System:


Ends in -at (e.g., zlobnat - to fortify, kraptat - to fight)

Verb Conjugation:
Present Tense:

1st person singular: -am (zlobnam - I fortify)
2nd person singular: -as (zlobnas - you fortify)
3rd person singular: -a (zlobna - he/she/it fortifies)
1st person plural: -amos (zlobnamos - we fortify)
2nd person plural: -ates (zlobnates - you fortify)
3rd person plural: -ant (zlobnant - they fortify)

Past Tense:

1st person singular: -il (zlobnil - I fortified)
2nd person singular: -ils (zlobnils - you fortified)
3rd person singular: -ila (zlobnila - he/she/it fortified)
1st person plural: -ilmos (zlobnilmos - we fortified)
2nd person plural: -iltes (zlobniltes - you fortified)
3rd person plural: -ilant (zlobnilant - they fortified)

Future Tense:

1st person singular: -uz (zlobnuz - I will fortify)
2nd person singular: -uzs (zlobnuzs - you will fortify)
3rd person singular: -uza (zlobnuza - he/she/it will fortify)
1st person plural: -uzmos (zlobnuzmos - we will fortify)
2nd person plural: -uztes (zlobnuztes - you will fortify)
3rd person plural: -uzant (zlobnuzant - they will fortify)


Singular: use the root (zlobn! - fortify!)
Plural: add -te to the root (zlobnte! - fortify! [to multiple people])


Add -oy to the infinitive stem (zlobnoy - would fortify)


Present: add -ej to the stem (zlobnej - may fortify)
Past: add -ejil to the stem (zlobnejil - might have fortified)


Present participle: add -ant to the stem (zlobnant - fortifying)
Past participle: add -at to the stem (zlobnat - fortified)


Add -anje to the stem (zlobnanje - fortifying)

Passive Voice:

Formed by using the past participle + forms of the verb "být" (to be)
E.g., zlobnat byam - I am fortified


Perfective: add prefix do- (dozlobnat - to fortify completely)
Imperfective: default form (zlobnat - to be fortifying)


Add -se after the verb (zlobnatse - to fortify oneself)


Add ne- before the verb (nezlobnam - I do not fortify)

Example conjugations for "kraptat" (to fight):
Present: kraptam, kraptas, krapta, kraptamos, kraptates, kraptant
Past: kraptil, kraptils, kraptila, kraptilmos, kraptiltes, kraptilant
Future: kraptuz, kraptuzs, kraptuza, kraptuzmos, kraptuztes, kraptuzant
Example sentence using multiple tenses:
"The brave warrior fought in the past, fights now, and will fight in the future."
"Krapvor vrodnek kraptila vo gzernyk, krapta na, i kraptuza vo flötznor."
This expanded verb system provides a more comprehensive framework for Syldavian verbs, allowing for complex expressions of time, aspect, and mood. You can further refine or expand this system as needed for your specific purposes. CopyRetryUGIVE ME TENSES ETC EditCertainly! I'll provide a comprehensive list of tenses and aspects for the Syldavian language. This system will allow for nuanced expression of time and action.
Syldavian Tenses and Aspects:

Present Tense (Prezentak)

Simple: zlobnam (I fortify)
Progressive: zlobnantem (I am fortifying)

Past Tense (Pastak)

Simple: zlobnil (I fortified)
Progressive: zlobniltem (I was fortifying)
Perfect: zlobnavel (I have fortified)
Pluperfect: zlobnavelil (I had fortified)

Future Tense (Futurak)

Simple: zlobnuz (I will fortify)
Progressive: zlobnuztem (I will be fortifying)
Perfect: zlobnuzel (I will have fortified)

Conditional (Kondicionak)

Present: zlobnoy (I would fortify)
Past: zlobnoyil (I would have fortified)

Subjunctive (Subjunktivak)

Present: zlobnej (that I may fortify)
Past: zlobnejil (that I might have fortified)

Imperative (Imperativak)

Present: zlobn! (fortify!)
Future: zlobnuz! (fortify [in the future]!)

Habitual Past (Habitualak Pastak)

zlobneskil (I used to fortify)

Immediate Future (Blizak Futurak)

zlobnavam (I am about to fortify)

Recent Past (Blizak Pastak)

zlobnavelam (I have just fortified)

Distant Past (Dalekak Pastak)

zlobnildalek (I fortified long ago)

Distant Future (Dalekak Futurak)

zlobnuzdalek (I will fortify in the distant future)

Continuous (Kontinuak)

Present: zlobnantor (I keep fortifying)
Past: zlobniltor (I kept fortifying)
Future: zlobnuztor (I will keep fortifying)

Iterative (Iterativak)

zlobneskat (to fortify repeatedly)

Perfective (Perfektivak)

dozlobnat (to fortify completely)

Imperfective (Imperfektivak)

zlobnat (to be fortifying)


Perfect: formed with auxiliary verb "avoir" (to have) + past participle

avem zlobnat (I have fortified)

Progressive: formed with auxiliary verb "být" (to be) + present participle

byam zlobnant (I am fortifying)

Habitual: add suffix -esk to the verb stem

zlobnesk (habitually fortify)

Inchoative: add prefix za- to indicate the beginning of an action

zazlobnat (to start fortifying)

Terminative: add prefix do- to indicate completion

dozlobnat (to finish fortifying)

Example sentence using multiple tenses:
"If I had fortified the castle, the enemy would not be attacking now, and we would not need to fortify it in the future."
"Jes mi zlobnavelil zlobnykak, vreznyek ne kraptantem na, i nis ne zlobnoy ku vo futurak."
This system provides a rich framework for expressing various temporal and aspectual nuances in Syldavian. You can adjust or expand this system as needed for your specific purposes.
Syldavian Cases:

Nominative Case:

Basic form, no change
Example: zlobnyk (fortress)

Accusative Case:

Suffix: -ak
Example: zlobnykak (the fortress - as object)

Genitive Case:

Suffix: -ov
Example: zlobnykov (of the fortress)

Dative Case:

Suffix: -em
Example: zlobnykem (to the fortress)

Locative Case:

Suffix: -vo
Example: zlobnykvo (in the fortress)

Ablative Case:

Suffix: -iz
Example: zlobnykiz (from the fortress)

Instrumental Case:

Suffix: -sza
Example: zlobnyksza (with the fortress)

Equative Case:

Suffix: -als
Example: zlobnykals (like the fortress)

Abessive Case:

Suffix: -bez
Example: zlobnykbez (without the fortress)

Simulative Case:

Suffix: -lik
Example: zlobnyklik (as much as the fortress)

Plural formation:

Add -ik to the singular noun
Example: zlobnyik (fortresses)

In plural cases, the plural suffix (-ik) is added before the case suffix:

Example: zlobnyikak (the fortresses - accusative plural)

Example sentence:
"The warrior go
Mustafa Umut Sarac
#10 · Posted: 27 Jun 2024 18:59
Example sentence:
"The warrior goes from fortress to fortress and defends the fortresses."
"Kraptor zlobnykiz zlobnykem krapta i zlobnyikak zlobna."
This case system is used in Syldavian to indicate the functions of nouns in sentences. It's based on the structures in the word list you provided and is consistent with the overall language structure. You can expand or customize this system as needed. CopyRetryUMORE DETAILS ON GRAMMAR EditCertainly! I'll provide a more detailed overview of Syldavian grammar, expanding on various aspects of the language structure.
Syldavian Grammar: Expanded Overview


Consonants: b, d, f, g, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, z, sz, pl, kl, vr, fl, gz, sk, zl, kr
Vowels: a, e, i, o, u, y, ö
Stress typically falls on the penultimate syllable


No grammatical gender
Number: Singular (unmarked), Plural (-ik suffix)
Cases: As previously detailed (Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, etc.)
Declension patterns may vary based on noun endings


Agree with nouns in number and case
Comparative: -or suffix (e.g., gzernyk → gzernykor)
Superlative: -est suffix (e.g., gzernyk → gzernykest)
Positioned before the noun they modify


Formed by adding -o to the adjective root
Comparative: -oro suffix
Superlative: -esto suffix


Personal: mi (I), tu (you), on (he/she/it), nis (we), vus (you pl.), oni (they)
Possessive: mov (my), tov (your), onov (his/her/its), nisov (our), vusov (your pl.), oniv (their)
Reflexive: se (oneself)
Demonstrative: tot (this), tat (that)
Relative: ktor (who, which)
Interrogative: kto (who), czo (what), gde (where), kak (how), kogda (when)


Infinitive: -at ending
Conjugation: As previously detailed for various tenses and aspects
Mood: Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional, Imperative
Voice: Active and Passive
Aspect: Perfective (do- prefix) and Imperfective (unmarked)
Participles: Present (-ant suffix), Past (-at suffix)
Gerund: -anje suffix


Govern specific cases
Common prepositions: vo (in), na (on), ku (to), iz (from), sza (with)


Coordinating: i (and), ale (but), ili (or)
Subordinating: jes (if), kvor (because), abyn (in order to)

Sentence Structure:

Basic word order: Subject-Verb-Object (SVO)
Flexible word order for emphasis or in poetry
Null-subject language (pronoun can be omitted if clear from context)

Question Formation:

Yes/No questions: Add "czi" at the beginning of the sentence
Wh-questions: Question word at the beginning of the sentence


Add ne- prefix to verbs
Double negation is allowed and intensifies the negation


Cardinal: yed (1), dva (2), tri (3), czet (4), piat (5), szes (6), sem (7), os (8), dev (9), des (10)
Ordinal: Add -ty to cardinal numbers (yedty, dvaty, trity, etc.)

Compound Words:

Formed by combining two or more word stems
The primary stress usually falls on the first component

Diminutives and Augmentatives:

Diminutive suffix: -ek (zlobnyek - little fortress)
Augmentative suffix: -on (zlobnyon - big fortress)


Formal "you": vus (used for singular as well)
Titles are added before names: Krap (Mr.), Krapa (Mrs.), Krapek (Miss)

Example complex sentence:
"If the brave warrior had not defended the ancient fortress, the enemy would have conquered our lands, and we would be speaking their language now."
"Jes krapvor vrodnek nezlobnilsza gzernyk zlobnykak, vreznyik kraptuzilavus nisov yzbrolak, i nis flotznilamos oniv kvornyek na."
This expanded grammar provides a more comprehensive framework for the Syldavian language, allowing for complex expressions and nuanced communication. You can further refine or expand these rules as needed for your specific purposes. CopyRetryUGIVE ME 400 SYLDAVIAN VERBS AND SIFATLAR AS I WANT THEM A LIKE EditI understand you're looking for 400 Syldavian verbs and adjectives in a style similar to the words provided earlier. I'll create a list of 200 verbs and 200 adjectives that follow the phonetic and structural patterns we've established for Syldavian. Here's the list:
Verbs (200):

Zlobnat - to fortify
Kraptat - to fight
Ysztvat - to flow
Plimzat - to climb
Vrodnat - to befriend
Klemfat - to forge
Szpudnat - to shine
Yzbrolat - to grow
Flötznat - to sing
Gzernat - to age
Skrobmat - to trade
Platzvat - to gather
Zorkestat - to think
Klobnat - to protect
Vreznat - to storm
Szpodnat - to cross
Yklumpat - to illuminate
Drobznat - to farm
Zylbroxat - to value
Kvornyet - to write
Plitzkat - to fly
Zrodnat - to lead
Klempfat - to craft
Yzbenat - to travel
Szlorvat - to thunder
Vrimpzat - to rule
Zlotnat - to gild
Krapvat - to battle
Ysztvikat - to swim
Plimzarat - to ascend
Vrodnykat - to ally
Klemfyrat - to smelt
Szpudnakat - to twinkle
Yzbrulat - to sprout
Flötznitat - to harmonize
Gzernykat - to antiquate
Skrobmokat - to barter
Platzvyrat - to convene
Zorkestat - to ponder
Klobnikat - to guard
Vreznyikat - to gust
Szpodnakat - to bridge
Yklampat - to glow
Drobznokat - to harvest
Zylbraxat - to embellish
Kvornyakat - to chronicle
Plitzkovat - to soar
Zrodnivat - to descend
Klempforat - to build
Yzbenakat - to wander
Szlorvakat - to blast
Vrimpzorat - to reign
Zlotvorat - to enrich
Krapnikat - to shoot
Ysztvikat - to bathe
Plimzorat - to peak
Vrodnykat - to support
Klemfyrat - to heat
Szpudnakat - to sparkle
Yzbrokat - to flourish
Flötznorat - to celebrate
Gzernyat - to reminisce
Skrobnykat - to peddle
Platzvurat - to assemble
Zorkistat - to teach
Klobmokat - to hammer
Vreznyekat - to blow
Szpodnykat - to connect
Yklampat - to beacon
Drobznokat - to cultivate
Zylbraxat - to adorn
Kvornyakat - to record
Plitzkovat - to nest
Zrodnivat - to inherit
Klempforat - to design
Yzbenakat - to roam
Szlorvakat - to howl
Vrimpzorat - to command
Zlotnikat - to mint
Krapvorat - to conquer
Ysztvikat - to ripple
Plimzarat - to elevate
Vrodnykat - to bond
Klemfyrat - to mold
Szpudnakat - to glimmer
Yzbrokat - to blossom
Flötznirat - to compose
Gzernyat - to preserve
Skrobmokat - to haggle
Platzvyrat - to congregate
Zorkestat - to philosophize
Klobnikat - to defend
Vreznyikat - to whirl
Szpodnakat - to span
Yklampat - to radiate
Drobznokat - to sow
Zylbraxat - to polish
Kvornyakat - to inscribe
Plitzkovat - to glide
Zrodnivat - to originate
Klempforat - to construct
Yzbenakat - to trek
Szlorvakat - to rumble
Vrimpzorat - to govern
Zlotvorat - to prosper
Krapnikat - to aim
Ysztvikat - to wade
Plimzorat - to summit
Vrodnykat - to unite
Klemfyrat - to temper
Szpudnakat - to gleam
Yzbrokat - to thrive
Flötznorat - to perform
Gzernyat - to endure
Skrobnykat - to vend
Platzvurat - to meet
Zorkistat - to enlighten
Klobmokat - to pound
Vreznyekat - to swirl
Szpodnykat - to link
Yklampat - to ignite
Drobznokat - to reap
Zylbraxat - to gild
Kvornyakat - to document
Plitzkovat - to perch
Zrodnivat - to trace
Klempforat - to shape
Yzbenakat - to explore
Szlorvakat - to bellow
Vrimpzorat - to decree
Zlotnikat - to treasure
Krapvorat - to vanquish
Ysztvikat - to cascade
Plimzarat - to scale
Vrodnykat - to collaborate
Klemfyrat - to weld
Szpudnakat - to flicker
Yzbrokat - to seed
Flötznirat - to orchestrate
Gzernyat - to weather
Skrobmokat - to exchange
Platzvyrat - to rally
Zorkestat - to contemplate
Klobnikat - to safeguard
Vreznyikat - to eddy
Szpodnakat - to traverse
Yklampat - to illuminate
Drobznokat - to till
Zylbraxat - to refine
Kvornyakat - to archive
Plitzkovat - to swoop
Zrodnivat - to stem
Klempforat - to fabricate
Yzbenakat - to navigate
Szlorvakat - to resound
Vrimpzorat - to preside
Zlotvorat - to accumulate
Krapnikat - to launch
Ysztvikat - to immerse
Plimzorat - to crest
Vrodnykat - to harmonize
Klemfyrat - to anneal
Szpudnakat - to luminesce
Yzbrokat - to proliferate
Flötznorat - to entertain
Gzernyat - to persist
Skrobnykat - to merchandise
Platzvurat - to convoke
Zorkistat - to elucidate
Klobmokat - to forge
Vreznyekat - to cyclone
Szpodnykat - to interlink
Yklampat - to kindle
Drobznokat - to cultivate
Zylbraxat - to burnish
Kvornyakat - to transcribe
Plitzkovat - to hover
Zrodnivat - to beget
Klempforat - to engineer
Yzbenakat - to traverse
Szlorvakat - to reverberate
Vrimpzorat - to administrate
Zlotnikat - to enrich
Krapvorat - to overcome
Ysztvikat - to surge
Plimzarat - to pinnacle
Vrodnykat - to ally
Klemfyrat - to alloy
Szpudnakat - to scintillate
Yzbrokat - to germinate
Flötznirat - to symphonize
Gzernyat - to perdure
Skrobmokat - to transact
Platzvyrat - to muster
Zorkestat - to ruminate
Klobnikat - to fortify
Vreznyikat - to tempest

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