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[Locked] "Unicorn" Movie: News and general discussion

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labrador road 26
#61 · Posted: 1 Apr 2006 22:22
There is a trailer for Asterix and the vikings at:

To be more on topic, if one looks on Spielberg at imdb there is not one word about an upcoming Tintin movie but info about another picture which also have had re-appearing rumors about it. The fourth Indiana Jones movie so I believe that the Tintin movie will not be out before 2010, Steven always comes out with another movie when rumors about Tintin appear in the press. Actually I believe that he will never do a Tintin movie at all.
#62 · Posted: 8 Apr 2006 01:47
As of recent months, I have heard from someone in the FX industry that Weta has been doing tests of a CG Snowy. From what he told me the tests showed a fairly realistic dog. The film seems to be live action though. I still would like to find out more on the status of the films as far as casting and directing goes.
#63 · Posted: 4 May 2006 00:33
I heard about a CG Snowy too. I heard about the trilogy would consist of

The Secret of The Unicorn/Red Rackham's Treasure
The Seven Crystal Balls/Prisoners of The Sun
The Blue Lotus/Tintin in Tibet

and the first film WAS scheduled to be around 2006-2008 but nothing more was revealed.

All that information came from a brazillian movies news website (www.omelete.com.br)
Duke Snowy
#64 · Posted: 26 May 2006 16:09
Film-Releases.com lists "Red Rackham's Treasure" as in development.

Captain Chester
#65 · Posted: 25 Sep 2006 05:13
We're talking about Steven Spielberg here, he should be able to do it right. It would be similar to an Indiana Jones story, minus the hero's love interest, bit of language and medium violence.

I agree with tintinrulz; a Tintin movie should keep very close to the original story line or else not be made at all!
Moderator Emeritus
#66 · Posted: 7 Oct 2006 16:42
According to this article, Peter Jackson is also hoping to make a Tintin movie. It suggests that Jean-Pierre Jeunet - responsible for Amélie - will be the director. It doesn't mention whether any rights have yet been acquired, and I also wonder where Spielberg stands in all of this. Very puzzling indeed!
#67 · Posted: 8 Oct 2006 08:48
Yesterday on the 7th of October 2006 the biggest newspaper in New Zealand (well more or less) the Dominion Post dedicated most of it's front page to a story about Peter Jackson's Weta workshops making a Tintin movie (apparently rumoured to be directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet).
The article was illustrated by a large Herge style drawing (in colour) featuring Tintin and Snow standing proudly next to a Herge style drawing (very good drawing too!) of Richard Taylor of LOTR sfx fame holding his Oscar statue and all smiling.

The article goes on to make some fairly innacurate comments about Tintin, but is a positive one nonetheless.

If someone can tell me how to I will send a scan to the operators of this site so that they can use it on here if they wish to.

Warm regards,

Stas Werno
#68 · Posted: 8 Oct 2006 10:17
According to this article, Peter Jackson is also hoping to make a Tintin movie. It suggests that Jean-Pierre Jeunet - responsible for Amélie - will be the director. It doesn't mention whether any rights have yet been acquired, and I also wonder where Spielberg stands in all of this. Very puzzling indeed!

Aha! We had our suspicions in the shop actually when two months ago a Mr P. Jackson from New Zealand, with an address leading to his studios, ordered over £1500 worth of tintin stuff! Didnt want to start any rumours, but we figured there might be a connection.

Oh and Spielberg will likely be a producer.
#69 · Posted: 11 Oct 2006 09:07
after seeing Jeunet's Very Long Engagement - I was praying that he would direct Tintin - and when I read the news- I almost hit the roof...
#70 · Posted: 13 Oct 2006 09:48
Is there a date where tis will be finished becuase this tintin movie making business has gone on since the early 80's

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