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Ellipse-Nelvana: The best adaptation of a book?

#1 · Posted: 18 Apr 2008 03:11
In your opinion, which TV adaptations of the original Tintin stories are the best?

To me, the Ellipse-Nelvana TV adaptation of 'Cigars of The Pharaoh' is one of the greatest. The changes made there are very well justified. Also, 'The Secret of the Unicorn' rocks!
#2 · Posted: 18 Apr 2008 11:18
To me, the Ellipse-Nelvana TV adaptation of 'Cigars of The Pharaoh' is one of the greatest. The changes made there are very well justified.

Yes, I agree. In the comic book, it's quite hard to figure out why Tintin was arrested by Colonel Fuad and his comrades in Arabian army. The probable cause was clarified in the animated series: hollow cigars were used to smuggle opium.

I'm also glad that Tintin in America was revised in a better gang-pursuing manner than what is published.

But among all Tintin books revised to cartoons, I choose King Ottokar's Sceptre. Why? Simply, it's the episode I watched on December 1995 that convinced me to patronize Tintin. What I mean here is that it's the heroism I discovered from Tintin's personality that makes him deserved of my admiration.
#3 · Posted: 18 Apr 2008 21:44
In the other hand, The Calculus Affair, from Belvision, passed from being an adaptation to become a Reinvention. I've watched most part of it through the official Tintin website, and I liked a few of the changes, but, still, they were too much!
cigars of the beeper
#4 · Posted: 19 Apr 2008 02:35
Cigars of the Pharaoh was actually one of my least favorite adaptations. I thought that they changed the look on the inside of the pharaoh's tomb too much for one thing. One of the introductory things at the beginning of each episode (while it plays the theme song) they actually show briefly that scene done right, but it was not so in the actual episode. In my opinion, the best adaptation was Flight 714. They changed the way the "astroship" looked, but the plot was almost all there.
Rianna Lauren
#5 · Posted: 7 Jul 2010 01:47
Ah - my favourite will have to be Secret of the Unicorn, King Ottokar's Sceptre, Black Island, Crab with Golden Claws, AND Red Sea Sharks. :3 They're awesome.
#6 · Posted: 18 Aug 2010 02:12
Moved from a duplicate thread.

which episode of the 1991 – 1992 Nelvana TV series do you think was the best?

i'd have to say either Seven Crystal Balls or The Black Island

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#7 · Posted: 18 Aug 2010 04:27
I thought Tintin in America was the best, if controversial for what it excluded. The episode forgoes the cowboy and Indian part of the story to concentrate on gangster life in New York City. I've always liked that because I've never been a fan of westerns. I think this is the only episode that improves on the original books.

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