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The Blue Oranges: The album

#1 · Posted: 22 Sep 2009 00:57
Is there a book made after The Blue Oranges was released?
Is it available anywhere (preferably in English)?
#2 · Posted: 22 Sep 2009 09:27
Yes there was im sure it was only limited to 500 English copies when it first came out but i have since seen it just in Charing Cross Road there's a small arcade of rare book shops they have first English editions and that was among them.Its only stills from the film with speech bubbles.The movie is quite fun.Its a must for a collector but not as good as a real Tintin book i also saw The Golden Fleece book as well for about £150.
#3 · Posted: 22 Sep 2009 10:36
Yes there was im sure it was only limited to 500 English copies when it first came out

I’ve never heard that before: I know it wasn’t a huge edition, but it wasn’t “limited” in the way that publishers produce “limited editions” of things these days for a collector’s market. It was probably more based on the success of (or lack of it) Golden Fleece.
We had a copy circulated around the school libraries when I was a nipper in the Sixties, and I have a suspicion that that’s what happened to a lot of them, where they no doubt were read to destruction.

£150 sounds quite high - if you search long enough, you’ll maybe find something cheaper. I saw a mint Blue Oranges go for £80 a couple of years ago, and my reasonable if a little worn Golden Fleece was found by my brother in a charity shop for £5.

If all you want are the books, and you don’t mind them in French, they are far more common in that language. Although not in print any more, they were available well into the 1990’s, so should be fairly easy to find.

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