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Has anyone seen Tintin at the cinema?

#1 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 19:02
Has anyone here seen Tintin on the big screen?
Anyone see Lake of the Sharks Prisoners of the sun at the Cinema or the live action films when they were originally released or The Crab with the Golden Claws film.
#2 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 20:02
I saw Prisoners of the Sun in mid-eighties. I was maybe 8 or 10 at the time. Can't say I was overly thrilled, but not hugely disappointed either. Let's just say I got introduced to Tintin through books, and never been fond of any film or tv adaptation. Mind you, I really wanted to see the theatre version of Tibet few years ago.

Tried to watch Prisoners again few years ago, but gave up. Felt like an obligation from the word go, and decided not to waste my time.

Probably needless to say, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for the new movie. At least there's some talent and money involved, so I'm moderately hopeful.
#3 · Posted: 27 Apr 2010 20:18
The film isn't that great but its okay for a rainy afternoon I often revisit the film and I love the opening theme not that awful song for Zorrino.

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