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"Unicorn" Movie: Press reviews [Warning: contains spoilers!]

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#1 · Posted: 17 Oct 2011 10:14
Now that the film is actually coming out, we ought to have a thread dealing with reviews for those who have actually seen it. (I apologize if there is already one but I don't have time to search right now.)

Here's the UK's Daily Telegraph review

Not a very promising opening paragraphs:

"It’s testament to either the genius of Hergé or the limitations of computer graphics – or more probably both – that two dots of ink from a Belgian cartoonist’s pen can express more wit and artistry than £82 million of the best 3D special effects Hollywood can conjure... the eyes do not have it – 'it' being that vital, twinkling difference that separates a character worth caring about from a dummy in a Debenhams’ shop window."
#2 · Posted: 17 Oct 2011 13:40
It's never easy creating a movie-version of a book (or a book series). Just look at Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. But you have to give Spielberg credit for what he has done. Tintin is very ambitious. It's a world-famous comic-book series.

I don't quite understand under what criteria this guy was marking or critiquing the movie, but my hopes are still high. I understand that certain elements of "dramatic license" are sometimes taken, and this can be dangerous, but this is something totally new (so to speak), and I think we should wait a bit longer before getting worried about this.

Of course, this is one of the biggest downfalls of film-making.

It's easy to adapt a book or a book-series to television.

It's very hard to adapt a book or a book-series to the big screen.
#3 · Posted: 17 Oct 2011 14:22
A web review from GoodComicsBook.com.
Bordurian Thug
#4 · Posted: 19 Oct 2011 09:50
Nicholas Lezard of the Guardian Review: “How Could they Do This to Tintin?”
#5 · Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:37
Don't give The Guardian the time of day. It's like rewarding a bully. I'm not saying everyone should be happy/clappy about Tintin but they shouldn't just have an axe to grind. There should be legitamite reasons for giving a movie a low score.
Bordurian Thug
#6 · Posted: 19 Oct 2011 15:13
Don't give The Guardian the time of day. It's like rewarding a bully. I'm not saying everyone should be happy/clappy about Tintin but they shouldn't just have an axe to grind. There should be legitamite reasons for giving a movie a low score.

Tintin in the Congo is up there with Mein Kampf as the average Guardianista's most despised literature.
#7 · Posted: 19 Oct 2011 20:29
Yay! Albert Algoud is *very* positive about the #Tintin movie in his piece on Le Nouvel Observateur web-site! He’s a noted broadcaster, as well as a published author of Tintin-related books, so he’s quite an important figure to have on the plus side of the equation.
#8 · Posted: 23 Oct 2011 18:12
The BBC's Film 2011 has reviewed the film. Watch it on iPlayer - or on BBC1 tonight at 0050.

Hurry, because the iPlayer review will only be available for another couple of days - though I expect it will be all over YouTube before long.

I'm not sure if this link is available to non-UK residents.

Interesting review. The two critics are overall positive, though they find it "sweating". One thing that strikes me is that the lady reviewer considers Daniel Craig's Sakharine as not that much of a villain, but rather someone with whom you could discuss fashion tips.
#9 · Posted: 24 Oct 2011 09:33
According to the Wikipedia page on the Tintin movie, things are looking up.

The film-review website Rotten Tomatoes has given the film a 90% Fresh rating.
#10 · Posted: 24 Oct 2011 18:30
I've just seen a BBC news report on the film with Robbie Collin, the Telegraph critc (see the opening post on this thread).

His essential criticism is that it should have been either a fully animated film or a live-action one. Taking the best of both worlds was not enough apparently - and Collin seems to think it was not achieved here.

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