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Hergé: Étienne Pollet remembers Hergé, on the 40th anniversary of his death jock123
3 Mar 2023 11:13

0 726
Fanny Rodwell: Interview in "Le Soir", 1997 Harrock n roll
5 Apr 2004 06:45

0 714
Hergé: Did he like opera? RicardoOlcese
30 Dec 2018 01:20
1 Jan 2019 20:17
3 831
Hergé: His inked drawings castacalc
31 Jul 2022 21:32
11 Aug 2022 14:26
2 3,921
Hergé: Are these "Le Français usuel" illustrations by him? Michel
15 May 2022 15:02
17 May 2022 18:25
2 3,058
Hergé: Did he write a script before drawing? Citroen1955
5 Feb 2022 04:41
Harrock n roll
13 Feb 2022 09:47
3 2,101
Hergé: What kind of cars did he drive? Citroen1955
25 Aug 2021 23:25
27 Aug 2021 17:19
2 1,039
Studios Hergé: Poster in the V&A collection jock123
30 Nov 2020 17:28
24 Feb 2021 17:28
1 1,176
Hergé: Marcel Proust Questionnaire Harrock n roll
10 Jun 2020 13:40

0 1,511
Hergé: Did he like popular music? luca
15 Dec 2018 22:07
16 Dec 2018 10:49
1 2,608
Radio Interview: Hergé talks to Jacques Chancel in 1979 jock123
4 Sep 2018 20:15

0 1,444
Hergé: 1953 Radio appearance on "Que les meilleurs l'emportent!" jock123
8 Mar 2018 12:19

0 1,731
National Geographic: Which issues influenced Hergé and/ or acted as reference material? number1fan
20 Jan 2018 09:47
25 Jan 2018 20:11
1 3,255
Documentary: Hergé, à  l'ombre de Tintin [Hergé: In the Shadow of Tintin] (2016) number1fan
18 Jan 2018 16:21
26 Jan 2018 10:00
2 4,943
Pierre Sterckx: "Tintin - Hergé's Masterpiece" Review jock123
30 Sep 2015 15:00
18 Feb 2017 03:36
4 2,878
Who owns Tintin and Hergé's works? calculite
26 Oct 2014 22:49
27 Oct 2014 11:51
1 3,951
Studios Hergé: R.I.P. Michel Demarets jock123
19 Oct 2014 13:27

0 2,697
Bilal on Hergé: Original source for quotation, please? Abdullah007
23 Jun 2014 02:54
14 Sep 2014 09:57
2 2,426
Gérard Liger-Belair: creator of the Unicorn ship mct16
27 Mar 2013 22:09
11 Apr 2022 14:22
2 4,073
Hergé: Christopher Tayler article in "London Review of Books", June 2012 mct16
2 Sep 2012 19:01
10 May 2022 12:25
1 4,232

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