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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
Tintin au Pays du Canard enchaîné: Academic article on Tintin used as political satire mct16
18 Feb 2013 13:26

0 2,742
Tintin murals mct16
1 Sep 2012 13:02
3 Sep 2012 02:28
1 3,945
Tintin and Alph-art: attempts to finish the story (not by Rodier)   2 advnarayan
6 Jul 2004 14:21
Linda UK
4 Jun 2012 00:27
13 9,689
Breaking Free   2 picaros
16 Mar 2004 03:52
9 Mar 2012 16:30
19 7,837
Udan - A bird's flight: My Kickstarter project kirthiboy
26 Feb 2012 13:51

0 1,754
Tintin: Do newspaper drawings count as "new Tintin"?   2 rodney
7 Jan 2012 21:57
16 Feb 2012 17:33
19 3,412
Joost Swarte cuthbert
7 Aug 2004 11:43
11 Jan 2012 22:02
7 3,348
Marcel Jeanjean: La Belle Histoire De Leuk Le Lièvre mrkarabine
8 Jan 2012 02:52
8 Jan 2012 12:43
1 2,486
Land of Black Gold: Pixar movie "Cars 2" plot similarities? kirthiboy
8 Dec 2011 10:32
7 Jan 2012 23:21
2 1,924
"Unicorn" Movie: Moulinsart copyright question breadcity
21 Nov 2011 02:43
21 Nov 2011 12:29
2 1,846
Parody vs tribute: the difference? admin
31 Jul 2004 20:00
16 Oct 2011 00:29
5 5,179
XIII to be published by cinebook! comixfanboy
22 Oct 2009 04:29
9 Oct 2011 21:54
9 7,070
"A Dance to the Music of Time": Anybody here a fan...? Ladybird
3 Oct 2011 03:03

0 1,528
Ligne Claire: The Usborne Detective's Handbook...? Eric
16 Mar 2010 06:12
12 Aug 2011 08:13
6 5,456
Anyone Else Back into Indiana Jones/Carl Barks?? rodney
5 Aug 2011 00:50
7 Aug 2011 04:01
3 2,998
Professor Palmboom by Dick Briel SingingGandalf
26 Apr 2006 20:46
20 Feb 2011 14:17
2 4,581
Kung-Fu Mousse: A call of "Tchang!" - but not as a name! mct16
16 Dec 2010 19:56

0 3,424
X'ed Out: Charles Burns george
27 Nov 2010 11:30
1 Dec 2010 09:32
4 6,004
Flight 714: A movie - but not Tintin! mct16
8 Sep 2010 15:53
9 Sep 2010 20:34
3 2,991
Duel In The Somme Captain Chester
2 Sep 2010 18:34
2 Sep 2010 20:12
1 2,083

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