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Topic Author Last reply Replies  Views 
Tintin In Other Languages: E Asuntu di Florisol - First Kuifje (Tintin) in Papiamento sponsz
17 Apr 2007 18:29

0 2,853
Tintin In Other Languages: "Prisoners of the Sun" in Armenian sponsz
13 Apr 2007 07:56

0 2,226
Michael Farr: Appearance on Radio 4's "Great Lives" Harrock n roll
11 Apr 2007 08:38

0 2,161
Hergé: Centenary events - 2007 edcharlesadams
29 May 2006 16:15
8 Apr 2007 01:30
9 5,344
New Tintin mural and train dedicated at Brussels international station jock123
17 Jan 2007 12:39
30 Mar 2007 19:05
4 2,984
ADH Meeting in Nivelles sponsz
12 Mar 2007 10:02
14 Mar 2007 09:19
6 3,639
BFI Tintin Night at the National Film Theatre, London, 5 March 2007   2  3  4 number1fan
12 Feb 2007 19:30
13 Mar 2007 14:01
34 8,712
Prisoners of the Sun: "Tintin in Peru" exhibition heads to Quebec jock123
15 Feb 2006 11:31
2 Mar 2007 15:30
2 2,787
English 3-in-1 editions reissued including Soviets, Congo and Alph-Art   2  3 edcharlesadams
2 Sep 2006 21:55
23 Feb 2007 21:37
27 4,351
Tintin Exhibition in Paris for 2007   2 jock123
14 Feb 2006 15:22
marc van camp
13 Feb 2007 16:22
11 7,409
Tintin Annual   2  3  4 Richard
11 Jun 2005 22:47
8 Feb 2007 23:47
32 6,049
Tintin related story on Guardian website jock123
10 Jan 2007 15:14
11 Jan 2007 10:03
3 2,536
Tintinologists' Review of the Year 2006 edcharlesadams
24 Dec 2006 00:02
28 Dec 2006 22:33
2 5,089
What next for Tintin in 2007? number1fan
29 Nov 2006 08:28
20 Dec 2006 13:55
9 3,798
Cigars of the Pharaoh: black and white English version release date   2  3  4  5  6 edcharlesadams
19 May 2004 16:41
7 Dec 2006 04:00
53 5,747
Anchor Bay: New Tintin Movie DVD box set (Nov 2005)   2  3  4  ...  6  7 Richard
31 Jul 2005 14:29
15 Nov 2006 22:31
64 6,384
The Hergé Museum: Progress being made...! jock123
28 Sep 2006 14:01

0 3,258
Tintin in Tibet: Mongolian edition published Bembelo
26 Sep 2006 10:21

0 3,362
The Blue Lotus: In which hotel did Tintin stay? igagli
22 Aug 2006 09:12
22 Aug 2006 10:08
1 3,478
Cult of Tintin on DaRK PaRTY GFS3
17 Aug 2006 16:09

0 2,257

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