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Crab with the Golden Claws: meaty error?

#1 · Posted: 25 Dec 2006 03:37
I am new to Tintinologist.org.
On frame 6, page 51, of The Crab with the Golden Claws, Snowy is shown running out of a Muslim-owned shop, with what looks like a leg of ham in his mouth.
If it is, then how can a Muslim shop owner sell pork products?

Thank you for your feedback,
#2 · Posted: 26 Dec 2006 01:29
Simple - it is not ham.
It's meat of the sheep. Muslims don't eat pork, but they can eat mutton, or camel meat, and goat.
In Korean Tintin comic, this meat is called "양고기" (Yang-go-gi), the meat of the sheep, mutton. (p.51,52).
But I don't know what the English Tintin book says...
#3 · Posted: 30 Jun 2007 10:19
I'm Muslim, and selling pork and other inedible (for Muslims) meat products is prohibited too.
Anyway, that piece Snowy is stealing actually looks like a half-cut cod fish, but if you insist that it is pork then this is one of the major errors committed by Hergé!

Or, later it is found that the meat-seller was actually one of Allan's henchmen. Who knows - maybe he was actually a Christian in the guise of a Muslim?

Moderator Note: No need to worry - Hergé's original French uses the word "gigot", a "leg", a term usually associated with lamb or mutton - so he wasn't in error!
The English version simply declares it is a "joint" of meat, which is neutral, and therefore most likely implies that it is a piece of non-prohibited meat - otherwise why sell it in a situation where no one would buy it? And where would you even get it from?
Even if he were just some non-Muslim in disguise, it wouldn't be much of a cover if the first thing you did was to sell pork in a Muslim market - bit of a give-away one would have thought...? ;-)
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