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Flight 714: What happened to the guerrilla fighters?

#1 · Posted: 3 Jul 2007 18:29
I was wondering what exactly happened with Rastapopoulos's Sondonesian guerrilla fighters, after the his crew follow Tintin into the cave) in Flight 714.
Later on, you see Rastapopoulos and his crew taken up into the spacecraft, but you never see or hear of the Sondonesians again.
#2 · Posted: 3 Jul 2007 20:40
In the words of the toothless Allan (p.51, 2nd panel of the third line), "vey all ruffed back to veir junkf and make off into ve darkneff like frightened rabbitf."

(Actually, looking at that speech, shouldn't Allan say "made off into ve darkneff, rather than make off", since the rest of his sentence is describing what happened in the past tense? Is that a grammatical error by the English translators, I wonder.)
#3 · Posted: 4 Jul 2007 16:33
It's likely a mistake made by the translators, for the original reads:

"Ils fe font rembarqués fur leurs vonques, et ils v-vont décampé fans tambours ni trompettes!"
(Vol 714 pour Sydney, p.51-C2)

Hergé didn't mean "ils vont décamper" but "ils ont décampé", namely toothless Allan's v's stand for the 'linking virtual z' between "ils" and "ont", that he fails to pronounce.

Such links between some words give a better and correct ring to the French language.
More details on
#4 · Posted: 11 Jul 2007 18:30
It's obvious that they sailed off in their junks... Comrade Kanrokitoff had hynotised two of the guards who were taken prisoner by Tintin before setting them free and they spread panic among their mates and so they left the island long before the volcano erupted... (as Allan was making his way to get the plastic explosive)

That's why Rastapopoulos says "never mind. there's still the rubber dingy from the aircraft" (meaning a way to leave the island)
#5 · Posted: 24 Aug 2007 10:07
That's why Rastapopoulos says "never mind. there's still the rubber dingy from the aircraft" (meaning a way to leave the island)

it was allan who said, that not Rastapopoulos

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