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Doctor Who 2008

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#1 · Posted: 16 Mar 2008 16:47
I thought I should bring a topic like this up, =D.

I'm a massive fan of sci-fi show 'Doctor Who'. Apart from Tintin, I've watched both old and new series since I was a kid. Got to say my favourite Doctor is the 10th, the current one David Tennant, with 4th Doctor Tom Baker close second.

So, anybody else enjoy watching the TARDIS travelling Time Lord?
#2 · Posted: 16 Mar 2008 21:20
I think if you do a search of the forums, you’ll find that you certainly aren’t alone here - and what with Steven “The Girl in the Fireplace” Moffat writing the Tintin movies, and Russell “Stage Tintin” Tovey in the recent Christmas Special, there are often cross-over points of interest.
Personally I am more of a Pertwee/ Troughton fan than Tom Baker, but I do like the new series too (and the Sarah Jane Adventures are fun, but Torchwood leaves me very, very cold…).
#3 · Posted: 4 Apr 2008 23:58
Grey wrote:
So, anybody else enjoy watching the TARDIS travelling Time Lord?

Oh yes! Can't wait for tomorrow: It's what Saturday night TV was made for!

jock123 wrote:
there are often cross-over points of interest.

Too right! The latest being Thomas Sangster (last seen in the episodes Human Nature & The Family of Blood) now landing the role of Tintin himself!
Diego the Dreadful
#4 · Posted: 5 Apr 2008 10:10
I love Doctor Who! It's such a great concept for a show - it's almost limitless it what can happen in it, that's why it's so exciting.
#5 · Posted: 5 Apr 2008 20:05
Partners in Crime was a great start to the series - welcome back to Donna and the Doctor!
#6 · Posted: 5 Apr 2008 21:40
That first episode was suprisingly comical. Brilliant.
#7 · Posted: 6 Apr 2008 22:19
It was brilliant; both David Tennant and Catherine Tate were great, and i didn't know whether to go 'aww...cute!' or be seriously disturbed by the Adipose 'children'!
#8 · Posted: 25 May 2008 20:57
It seems to have slipped past here without mention, but Steven Moffat is taking over from Russell T. Davies as Executive Producer and “Show Runner” of Doctor Who when it returns for season five in 2010. I think he will be shadowing RTD for the specials in 2009.

Great news, as far as I am concerned - the future of two of my favourite franchises in the same pair of capable hands!

And he’s Scottish, to boot! ;-)
#9 · Posted: 26 May 2008 10:41
Sorry Doctor Whos fan i find it a bit repertive its like ohh what allien with a big head will we have to fight this week.I enjoy the older ones with the best doctor ever TOM BAAAAKKKKERRRRRRRRRR.
#10 · Posted: 26 May 2008 12:01
Er what? They rarely do any fighting. It's Doctor Who, not The Power Rangers.

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