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[Answered] Tintinologist.org's association with Moulinsart & Nick Rodwell?

#1 · Posted: 11 Jun 2013 19:40
I really wasn't sure where to place this thread. I searched for topics about Nick Rodwell and was really wanting to know some things.

I was curious just how closely associated this site is with Moulinsart or Mr. Nick Rodwell. After reading a bit about the man I kind of got a negative view on him. Mainly I'm asking this just out of curiousity.
#2 · Posted: 13 Jun 2013 22:42
I was curious just how closely associated this site is with Moulinsart or Mr. Nick Rodwell.

Tintinologist.org is in no way associated with or endorsed by Fondation Hergé/Moulinsart S.A. The official Tintin web site is located at: tintin.com.

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