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The Rainbow Orchid

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#31 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 07:29
Me (cough) I'm Australian (cough). Most honourable Paul!
(If that's not sucking up I don't know what is!)
#32 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 10:36
Wow, two winners from tintinologist - that's pretty good. Well done chaps, and sorry you didn't win the third one, Tintinrulz. Wonder who did?

- Garen.
#33 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 10:58
No problem Garen, I'll buy myself a copy. Thanks for keeping the price low!
#34 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 11:27
I've kept the price as low as possible to cover printing and marketing and all that, but have certainly made a loss. But then I didn't do Rainbow Orchid to make a financial profit...

Orchid 1 is quite close to selling out, by the way, but you'll be okay for a couple more weeks certainly, if you want to hang on for now.

I may be doing another short print run, but that is only for prospective publishers (this time I'll do a good cover). However, who knows, a handful may sneak out!
#35 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 12:30
When is Part II gonna be coming? I thoroughly enoyed Part 1!

#36 · Posted: 6 Jul 2004 14:45
We-ell... There's three answers to that (when is part two coming out?).

i) Episode 6 (ep. 1 of part two, the first 8 pages) will be out in September in the anthology, Fusion, from Engine Comics.

ii) A the Comics UK Festival in May I was telling people I hoped to get the collected edition of part two out around Christmas time (2004).

iii) Being realistic, I think the collected edition of part two is going to be a little longer, and I feel really bad about this, not least because I want to see it too. A more achievable release date will be for Comics 2005, around May next year. The main reasons for this include the fact that work has picked up for me (and I need the money), so I am busier, and I'm almost certainly going to be moving house around Christmas time (including all the preparation that goes into that in the months before hand). I can safely say it won't be later than that, though.

I can also say, having just finished the script for episode 6, that it will be good, at least I think so!
#37 · Posted: 13 Aug 2004 12:24
Rainbow Orchid's all sold out! What do I do?
#38 · Posted: 13 Aug 2004 14:18
Didn't you order one already? I seem to have had loads of orders from Australia.
#39 · Posted: 14 Aug 2004 01:49
No, I was going to order one but I totally forgot about it (don't know how but I did). When I went to buy one last night I found they were all gone!

That's great that you had so many orders from Australia, I'd say it would have to do with the quality and the price.
#40 · Posted: 14 Aug 2004 16:30
I'll email you off-forum, Tintinrulz, as there is a last little opportunity. Since the book's sold out out I've had more enquiries about it than I have for a couple of months now.

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