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De Striep in Brugge

#1 · Posted: 11 Nov 2019 17:03
I came across a really good comic book store in Brugge located at Katelijnestraat 42, 8000 Bruges.
De Striep has imense collection of Tintin,Asterix,Alix,lefranc,Blake and Mortimer,various other comics and other Tintin merchandise that you will be surprised to find from Blue Lotus pencil cases also a huge collection of posters.I picked myself up Peppy Goes West,Tintin Au Congo small black and white facsimile for 10 euros and a book called The Comics of Herge When the lines are not so clear.

I cannot recommend this place enough with its friendly staff and huge catalouge of comics.

Has anyone been here before?.
#2 · Posted: 20 Nov 2019 05:58
I am quite interested in hearing what you say about the book : The comics of Herge - when the lines are not so clear.
I had always wondered whether it was worth getting.
Or anyone else who has read it.

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