Hergé's Cameo Appearances / Blond Man Spotting

List first created: January 2000; last updated: 23 Jan 2008

Red Rackham's Treasure

Red Rackham's Treasure screenshot

(02:00) Hergé is drawing in his sketch book in the bar, The Anchor.

The Seven Crystal Ball

Seven Crystal Balls screenshot

(08:00) Hergé is one of the musicians in the scene where Haddock falls off the stage.

Seven Crystal Balls screenshot

(30:00) Hergé is a patient at the hospital where the seven scientists have been admitted.

Prisoners of the Sun

Prisoners of the Sun screenshot

(10:00) Hergé, dressed as a local, is at the railway station where Tintin takes a train to Jauga.

Prisoners of the Sun screenshot

(39:00) Hergé is drawing in his sketch book when Tintin and company arrive in the village from the temple.

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